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Cub Lion
Wow! Thank you for all the inspiration, we were inundated with ideas. Our favourite ones will be amalgamated to create our Cub Lion Design.
We would like to thank everyone that has already donated and helped us reach our initial £750 target as we now have enough to qualify to decorate a cub lion.
We would however, like to invite everyone to keep fundraising and donating towards The Big Space Cancer Appeal to help us raise our next target of £2000.
Please access our Just Giving Page at the following link:
All funds that had been donated through Parent Pay have been refunded. Please redonate through the Just Giving page.
COMMUNITY Lion Art and Craft Competition
Deadline for entries - Friday 21st March
There are different categories:
- Nursery/Pre-School and Reception
- Years 1 and 2
- Years 3 and 4
- Years 5 and 6
- Years 7 to 13
- Adults
To participate in this competition, we would like to suggest that entrants make a suggested donation of £1 to our Just Giving page.
To raise further funds, we plan to host a silent auction and sell entries which artists/crafters are happy to donate. We will send you an invitation to this as soon as the arrangements have been finalised.
When sending your entries in, please ensure that they are clearly labelled as follows:
1) Artist/Crafter's name:
2) Category:
3) Link to Dunalley if a Y7-13 or adult entry e.g. Grandparent of Annie in year 3
4) Whether or not you would like to donate your entry to the silent auction (we will return items that you would like returned after the exhibition)
To share this information, you might like to print off the following slip and securely attach it to your entry at home:
For those of you who are not able to print at home, we will make blank slips and tape available in our main reception.
Pippin's Birthday Party - Sunday 6th April - 10am-12noon
- OPAL Stay and Play
- An opportunity to view the Lion Art Exhibition in the hall with winners being announced at 11am
- Refreshments available
French Language Day at Dunalley
On Thursday the 20th March we will be celebrating French Language Day, this will be a day dedicated to celebrating the beauty, history, and cultural significance of the French language. French Language Day is all about celebrating French culture, language, and history as we ask…parlez vous Francais?
Even if you don’t speak the language there’s a lot of aspects of French culture for us to learn about. This occasion is meant to respect multilingualism and cultural diversity. When most people think of French they think of France, but did you know that it’s actually Africa that has the most French speakers?
(There are an estimated 120 million Africans from 29 countries that speak the language alongside their indigenous languages).
At Dunalley and as part of our whole school celebration we will be changing the menu to French themed cuisine.
The menu will automatically be populated on School Grid for your convenience and will be as follows:
Fricassée de poulet (chicken Stew)
Gratin de fromage et d'oignons (cheese and onion gratin)
Fromage et jambon fondants (ham and cheese melt)
Pomme de terre en chemise fourrée (jacket potato with filling)
Brocoli, maïs doux, riz, bar à salade, pain fait maison
(broccoli, sweet corn, rice, salad bar, homemade bread)
Biscuit au chocolat (chocolate cookie)
Yaourt - (yoghurt)
Bon appetit
British Science Week - Poster competition
British Science week starts today; Friday 7th March.
We started our science celebration with an amazing assembly from the Science department at Pittville School this morning and next week the children are visiting a Planetarium at St Pauls Church, thank you to the PTFA for funding this.
We now have a competition for children to enter, please see the poster below (and via the link) for full details.
Homes for Ukraine - Urgent need
Since April 2022 many schools in Gloucestershire have welcomed children from Ukraine who have fled war with their families. The Homes for Ukraine scheme has allowed Gloucestershire households to share their homes while Ukrainians get settled in Gloucestershire.
The Migration Team at the county council are urgently seeking follow-on placements for guests who have already been in the UK for a period of time, and have not yet fully regained their independence.
Relocating to a new host can mean children need to change schools, leaving their friendships and disrupting their education. We can support Ukrainian children in our school community by helping them stay in the same area and attend the same school.
If you would like to be part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme in Gloucestershire please get in touch with the county council. You will find more information on the flyer below.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like any further information on the scheme using the following email: [email protected] Alternatively, you can register your interest on the following page and we will contact you directly:
Please note that Gloucestershire County Council have locally increased all host payments to £600 per month, so lower figures published in the national guidance can be disregarded.
This week our cross country team represented Dunalley at Cheltenham College on a flat fast course.
They did us proud and, in the girls’ race, Hanna Steele came home in an impressive 2nd place.
Next week we will be at the hilly course in Ashley Manor and wish them all the best of luck.
Year 3 loved their sunny trip to Cirencester last week to visit the Corinium Museum. They explored the museum and took part in a carousel of Roman themed activities. On the way home, they stopped off at the Roman Amphitheatre for a walk.
Maths: Problem Solving and fun activities
The children have been building their problem-solving skills through fun and challenging activities this week.
Throughout the year, they explore different problem types that encourage skills like trial and error, working backwards, and spotting patterns, helping them think creatively and logically.