Thursday 15th July 2021
Dear families,
If your child was in school today, they will have brought home their end of year report. Those children who are isolating will be able to collect their reports once back in school on Monday.
We have used the same format as last year which focuses on the core subjects. The coloured boxes reflect your child’s efforts whilst the teacher’s comments will explain your child’s attainment within the core subjects of reading, writing, maths and science (or literacy and mathematics in reception). If you would like to discuss any aspects of the report, please speak to your child’s class teacher at the end of the day or phone to arrange a suitable time to discuss.
We appreciate this has been a difficult year so thank you for your efforts in supporting learning, particularly during the lockdown period. Considering the challenges this year has presented, the children have managed the changes remarkably well and we are proud of their efforts, resilience and attitudes towards both their learning and one another. Hopefully, we can all look forward to a more settled year starting in September.
Kind regards,
Alison Godfrey