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It has been brilliant to welcome your children back to school this week. They have quickly settled back to their routines and are continuing to apply themselves to their learning and embrace school life.
We enjoyed welcoming many of you into school this week. We hope that those of who were able to attend the open mornings with teachers found them interesting and informative. We will share more curriculum information with you next week via the newsletter. Please watch out for it, we are eager to work together to ensure that your children achieve their very best.
Roadworks and parking restrictions
Thank you to everyone who has helped to ease the congestion outside school at drop off and pick up times. We are aware that more families are walking to and from school - this has really helped to keep our roads as safe and stress-free as possible.
All club spaces have been allocated. We have managed to ensure that everyone secured a place in at least one of the clubs they expressed an interest in. Thanks must go to all of the staff who make this possible.
Please check your childs 'CLUBS' icon on Edulink to see which clubs they are attending this term.!/login?code=dunalley
The clubs will start Monday 15th January and run until Friday 15th March.
- Singing Clubs will all perform for families in the final week, please come along at pick up time and join your child in the hall.
- Please be aware the the following clubs will not run on 6th February due to Family meetings: Year 3/4 football and Choir with Mrs Godfrey.
We weren't able to open up some of the spaces in our sports clubs this term because the children who secured places in the autumn term have been preparing for festivals and fixtures that are coming up soon - they need to enter into these events fully prepared. Please be assured that this will not be the case next term.
We are doing our best to expand the number and range of clubs that we are able to offer during the summer term. Please let us know if you are able to help run a club next term, or have skills and expertise that would help us to launch something new.
During some of our assemblies this week we have discussed the brilliance and benefits of audiobooks. As well as being a brilliant tool for stimulating imagination and boosting reading skills, they enable children to hear speech patterns and rhythms that they might miss in print. Audiobooks also teach children about voice and expression, which can help with their own speaking and articulation. Dialects, accents and humour are brought to life, providing children with a model for reading aloud.
If you aren't enjoying audiobooks already, we hope that you will be interested in finding out more and introducing them to your family routine.
Headteacher - Tea n' Chat - Friday 2nd February at 2.30pm
You are all welcome to attend our next Head Teacher Tea n' Chat on Friday 2nd February. We hope that you will be able to pop in and enjoy the opportunity to catch up with other parents/carers and staff. The PTFA will be on hand providing refreshments and toys will be available for pre-schoolers.
Cheltenham Borough Homes - Coffee morning
Reminder - We are holding a uniform sale between 22/1/24 - 25/1/24, purchases will be made by cash donations. We urgently need donations for the sale to go ahead, please leave your good quality pre-loved uniform at the school office. We will also be welcoming BeGreater Shoes on site with their range of children's shoes.
Support us every time you order your name labels online and avoid the lost property pile.
ORDER HERE using the ID code 6236 and the PTFA will receive commission for every order.
If you prefer a name stamp to labels, ORDER HERE and the PTFA will also receive commission for every order.
We are collecting items for future events. We would love your unopened, leftover boxes of chocolates, sweets, bottles, duplicate gifts, smelly sets etc. Please pop them in the office - all donations are gratefully received.