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- Welcome 17/09/21
- School drop off and pick up times
- Curriculum letters
- Microsoft teams Years 1-6
- Welly boot swap – many thanks to those who have sent in wellies to be swapped - still time to bring in more
- Welly boot swap – many thanks to those who have sent in wellies to be swapped - still time to bring in more
- Holiday Camp – October Half Term
- COVID-19 update
- Science in Schools Show from the Royal Institute at All Saints’ Academy
We have once again enjoyed an action packed, fun-filled week. As well as applying themselves to their learning in the classroom, children have embraced a wealth of outdoor play and learning opportunities (OPAL). Here are some of the experiences that have been enjoyed this week.
School drop off and pick up times
Thank you for continuing to follow our one way system whilst dropping off and collecting your child(ren). Our staggered timings are reducing congestion in and around school at these busy times.
Now that we are settled into our new routine, it is really important that everyone is dropped off and collected on time. Please check the table below and make sure that you are dropping off and picking up at the right times and plan your journey carefully as arriving early or late makes these busy times more tricky.
Pick up point |
Year group |
Drop of time |
Pick up time |
Main entrance |
Reception |
8.30am (and 12.15PM whilst the children are attending on a part time basis) |
3.00pm (and 11.15AM whilst the children are attending on a part time basis) |
Year 1 |
8.35am |
3.05pm |
Year 2 |
8.40am |
3.10pm |
Main field |
Year 3 |
8.30am |
3.00pm |
Year 4 |
8.35am |
3.05pm |
Year 5 |
8.40am |
3.10pm |
Year 6 |
8.45am |
3.15pm |
- If you have siblings with different start/finish times, please continue to drop off at the earliest start time and collect at the lastest finish time.
- If you have children in both key stage 1 and 2 and they have the same drop off/pick up time, continue to pick up from the main entrance first and then collect your older child(ren) from the main field as soon as you can. They will be safe and supervised.
These were sent yesterday, from each year group, and cover the main aspects of learning your child will be completing this term. Please take the time to read them and speak to your child’s classteacher if you have any queries. Homework information is available on these letters.
MSTeams is now up and running, your password from last year will still work. New children to Dunalley have all received their log-in information. If you have lost your password from last year, please contact Ms Jones (formerly Mrs Pain) in the school office. She can be contacted via [email protected] or phone. You will then receive a text message with a new password.
MSTeams will be used to set some pieces of homework, the first piece will be set during next week. It will also be used to set work for any child absent due to testing positive for Covid-19.
Can you help us to fill our welly stores?
Ideally, we would like every child to have wellies in school every day. In order to achieve this, and avoid unnecessary expenditure, we will be launching a ‘Welly Swap’ as from tomorrow (Tuesday).
It will work as follows….
- Families bring wellies that are too small for their children to school – please peg or tie them together and pop them in the boxes at drop off points.
- Collect a ‘Welly token’ when dropping of the pre-loved wellies – this will enable you to choose from the donations that other families have made and select a larger size for your child when our Welly Swap is open at a later date. There is no need to take a token if you just want to donate pre-loved wellies.
- We will then sort the wellies that are dropped off into different sizes and organise a ‘Welly Swap’ as soon as possible. Families with tokens will then be able to choose a pair of pre-loved wellies. On a Welly Swap day, parents/carers will be able to choose a pair for their child at the beginning or end of the school day, or children will be able to select their own at lunchtime (they will need their token).
We very much hope that this new initiative will be successful. As well as avoiding unnecessary expenditure for families, it will help the environment and reduce unnecessary waste.
Can you help us to fill our welly stores?
Ideally, we would like every child to have wellies in school every day. In order to achieve this, and avoid unnecessary expenditure, we will be launching a ‘Welly Swap’ as from tomorrow (Tuesday).
It will work as follows….
- Families bring wellies that are too small for their children to school – please peg or tie them together and pop them in the boxes at drop off points.
- Collect a ‘Welly token’ when dropping of the pre-loved wellies – this will enable you to choose from the donations that other families have made and select a larger size for your child when our Welly Swap is open at a later date. There is no need to take a token if you just want to donate pre-loved wellies.
- We will then sort the wellies that are dropped off into different sizes and organise a ‘Welly Swap’ as soon as possible. Families with tokens will then be able to choose a pair of pre-loved wellies. On a Welly Swap day, parents/carers will be able to choose a pair for their child at the beginning or end of the school day, or children will be able to select their own at lunchtime (they will need their token).
We very much hope that this new initiative will be successful. As well as avoiding unnecessary expenditure for families, it will help the environment and reduce unnecessary waste.
Holiday Camp – October Half Term
We know that lots of our children attended Atlas Holiday Camps here during the summer holidays, and we are very pleased to say that they will be back for October half term. If you are interested for your children to have an action packed half term book Atlas now via there website:
Please continue to let us know if anyone in your household tests positive for COVID-19 so that we can monitor the prevalence of COVID-19 in our community. We will send you a ‘warn and inform’ letter if anyone that has been in school tests positive.
Please remember that it remains really important that anyone who develops the following symptoms books a PCR test – this is a test that is sent to a lab. Lateral flow devices should not be used if you have symptoms, as they are designed to pick up asymptomatic cases of COVID-19.
The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:
- a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
- a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
If you are displaying these symptoms, you must stay at home and not have visitors (self-isolate) until you get your PCR test result.
Our nearest permanent testing centre is at Coronation Square in Cheltenham. Mobile testing centres are also available. Please see this link for up to date information. You need to book before attending.
Any person who tests positive for COVID-19 will continue to be required to stay at home for 10 days, close contacts will be asked to take a PCR test to see if they also have the virus. If they do, they must stay at home for 10 days. If they don’t, they can carry on as usual whilst checking for the development of symptoms and remaining extra vigilant. If they develop symptoms they must book a PCR test.
NHS Track and Trace is now responsible for working with families to identify the close contacts of children that have tested positive for COVID-19. If you find yourself in this position, please do not hestiate to get in touch with us if you need help. Either phone us on 01242 512391 or email [email protected].
Science in Schools Show from the Royal Institute at All Saints’ Academy
We are holding a very exciting Science in Schools Show from the Royal Institute at All Saints’ Academy and would love to invite our wider community.
We would really appreciate it if you could offer this opportunity to your families.
I have attached a letter and leaflet with all the information they require to book a ticket.