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- World Book Day
- Year 3 Trip - Corinium Museum
- Nursery & Pre-school - Update
- PTFA News & Updates
- OPAL STAY & PLAY - Friday 22nd March
- Staff News
- Reception - Bog Baby
- Volunteering at Dunalley
- Nursery & Pre-school - Open Morning
- OPAL - Golden Welly Award
- Summer Term Earlies & Lates
- British Science Week
- Easter Holiday Camp
We thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day on Thursday. As well as savouring a special lunchtime menu, we were impressed by the creative and imaginative costumes of children and staff.
Thank you to everyone who designed an alternative front cover for their favourite book and entered our World Book Day competition. Our winners are:
Ada - Reception
Ane - Year 2
Charlie - Year 3
Emily - Year 4
Lyra - Year 5
Krista - Year 6
Year 3 had a brilliant trip to Cirencester last week to learn more about the Romans for their History topic.
They were lucky enough to visit Corinium Museum where they attended workshops and explored Roman artefacts in the galleries. On the way home they enjoyed a short walk around the Roman Amphitheatre.
The children baked the cakes and enjoyed eating them. It was a lovely time spent with their Mums.
Our story this week has been Handa's Surprise and we have been retelling the story, remembering which cheeky animal took which piece of fruit. We were also excited to see the building of a willow dome in our Forest School site and a very big thanks to Nora's Mum, Hayley, for doing this. We will be watching with interest as it grows into a fabulous den space.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our bingo night, doors open at 7.15pm. If you haven’t booked, don’t worry - we are happy for you to buy a ticket on the door. We will have a soft bar available and will be running a raffle with some fabulous prizes. Please bring along cash to pay for these items.
If you are in need of any uniform items, please pop along to the headteacher tea & chat in the hall on Friday 15th March. We plan to move outside to the playground at 3pm but this will be weather dependant. We are in need of Dunalley green fleeces - if you have one to donate, please leave in the school office.
CAKE SALE 18/04/24
Our next cake sale is on Thursday 18th April, after school in the playground. The school council has will be choosing a theme for our spring sale. We need all of your wonderful bakes to make this happen and help us fund laptops for the children’s computing lessons. Thank you for your support, please let us know if you are able to set up/sell/clear away on the day of the sale, we appreciate any help you can give.
OPAL STAY & PLAY 22/3/24
We are looking for donations of teddies and Jazzy Jars for our tombolas. If you have any you would like to donate, please bring them to the school office before Friday 22nd March.
We are thrilled to have sold 198 books for our Golden Ticket book sale as part of our World Book Day celebration. Thank you for your support, we hope the children enjoy their mystery books!
We are already making plans for our summer fair and are looking for stalls - if you are interested, please email [email protected].
Does your company offer match funding?
“Match funding is a simple way to maximise the fundraising efforts of your individual PTA volunteers. It is an informal arrangement between a company and an employee. Usually, a company pledges to match a sum of money relating to the amount the employee has either raised or donated to a charity. A match funding scheme can be adopted by any company no matter how big or small. Barclays, for example, offers its employees the opportunity to match funds they raise for their chosen charity up to £750 per year.”
We would love to hear from you to see how you can help support our fundraising efforts.
OPAL STAY & PLAY - Friday 22nd March
On Friday 22nd March we are inviting families to another OPAL Stay and Play event as we celebrate Pippin's birthday!
The children can be collected from school at their usual time and can stay on site to play with their families and friends until 4.30pm.
The PTFA will be at school too and will be serving refreshments as well as holding a Teddy and Jazzy Jar tombola.
If you have teddies or Jazzy Jars you would like to donate, please bring them to the school office before Friday 22nd March.
Please note there is NO LATES on this date.
Today we wished a fond farewell to Mrs Zara Cornish, our fabulous year 5 Teaching Partner.
Zara is now on maternity leave and we would like to wish her and her husband the very best for the arrival of Baby Cornish.
We are very pleased to welcome Miss Ohlaa Kartavkina to Dunalley. She will be supporting our year 5 children and teachers whilst Mrs Cornish is away.
The Reception children have embraced their new text – Bog Baby.
They have created wonderful collages, after listening carefully to the description and even created an online gallery (see link below!)
They noticed unexpected footprints later in the week and discovered Bog Babies hiding around school which inspired their writing. Next week we will be thinking about their habitat and how to care for a bog baby! In amongst all this they started their new cycling lessons – with a goal that all children will be pedal cycling by April!
We are extremely grateful to parents and carers who are able to volunteer and help in school and on school trips. We have recently updated our volunteer guidelines which aim to provide all of the information volunteers need to make their experience worthwhile, enjoyable and safe.
Further information can be on the link below.
Nursery & Pre-school - Open Morning
After Easter we will be running our class OPAL BINGO game following the success of last years game, the first class to complete the bingo card will win the Golden Welly award.
The Bingo Card will be shared next week, but in the meantime we have added some items below as we are always on the look out to enhance our stock of loose parts. Now may be a good time for families as many people may start to have a spring clean now the days are seeming a little brighter.
The items do not need to be new, we hope that families will have some of the items which are no longer of any use at home that can be donated to school.
Please feel free to bring in any of the items listed below:
- Buggies/Dolls Prams
- Small Cars/Trucks
- Dressing up clothes (aged 6 plus most wanted)
- Chalks
- Saucepans
- Washing up bowls
- Colanders
- Hats
- Handbags
- Wooden Planks
- Small Brushes (Dust Pan and brush)
We are now processing your bookings for Summer Term Earlies & Lates (April 8th 2024 - July 19th 2024)
Bookings closed at 12 noon Thursday 29th February. Confirmation of your place and declaration forms will be sent families next week.
Your place will only be secured once your declaration form has been reprieved and if there is space available.
With the Easter break less than 4 weeks away, with our award-winning multi-activity camps running throughout the Easter holidays!