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We hope that you all had an enjoyable spring break. Once again, your children have returned with energy and enthusiasm for learning and school life - thank you.
The summer term is full of opportunities and experiences which we are sure your children will embrace and enjoy. Please make the time to check our school calendar. You will find that a range of family events have already been scheduled.
OPAL Stay and Play - Saturday 20th April
Our next OPAL Stay and Play is scheduled for Saturday April 20th from 10am through to 12pm.
This is an invitation to all families in our Dunalley community and gives everyone the opportunity to have some wholesome family fun playing with the children.
OPAL has been as popular as ever this week with the children, the sunshine certainly helped!

Curriculum information sessions
It was brilliant to welcome so many families into school this week to hear more about what their children will be learning this term. We are always keen to work together to ensure that your children achieve their very best.
We appreciate that some families will not have been able to attend the information sessions this week due to work commitments. We are therefore collating curriculum information which will be shared with you electronically next week.
Thank you to everyone who supports learning at home e.g. by helping with homework or discussing what is taught in school. Your engagement and support makes a big difference to your children and their learning.
Please do not hesitate to contact class teachers if you have any questions or would like further information.
COMPETITION - design a road safety poster
Last term, the whole school received visits from Will Bros Civil Engineering Ltd who talked to the children about the new cycle path that is being built on the Evesham Road. The children were taught road safety both as a pedestrian and as a cyclist. Important safety messages were given by Val and Brian from the company.
They are keen to work with us and promote safe cycling and walking to school. As part of this, they are running a competition with us to design a banner to go outside our school.
Children need to draw a picture that shows how to be safe as a pedestrian and / or a cyclist - it needs to be coloured in and may include words (correct spelling needed!). There are prizes for the winners - one from each year group - as well as having their design included on the banner.
Entries need to be returned to class teachers by Friday 19th April.

Our OPAL Bingo competition is now under way and there is excitement around the school.
The class which manages to tick the most bingo squares off by Friday 3rd May will win the much sought after Golden Welly Boot.
For a reminder; This is the Bingo card, with a link below, good luck everyone.
Thank you to everyone who supported the PTFA at the Opal Stay & Play, we raised £441, bringing the total last term to an amazing £1,139.
CAKE SALE 18/4/24
Please bring all of your NUT FREE animal themed cakes and bakes along to our cake sale which will be held after school in the playground.
Please remember to bring along all of your unwanted clothes for reuse & recycling in the morning as the collection will happen before 11am.
We hope all of the children who purchased a ticket enjoyed our movie night watching Trolls Band Together. Your continued support has raised just over £500 for this event alone.
If your child has secured a place in Lates, please ensure that they have suitable footwear with them.
From Monday to Thursday the children enjoy engaging in sporting activities with our 'With the Ball' coach. Children need suitable footwear to participate.
Please ensure that your ParentPay accounts are always be in credit for earlies, Lates and school meals. Accounts are able to be pre-loaded with funds to cover future bookings and school meals.
Our LATES facility is oversubscribed and we have a waiting list, if accounts are not kept in credit your child's place may be offered to other families on the list.
Many thanks for your understanding and your support.