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Another week completed and what fantastic learning we have seen around school this week. We have been looking at maths and the children have really embraced their learning in place value. The presentation in books and use of mathematical language has been a pleasure to see. Around school, Year 1 have been producing some fantastic portraits from natural objects in Forest School. Year 2 have been exploring timelines in history. Year 3 have a fantastic array of squashes and pumpkins that have been harvested as part of their learning around food. Year 4 have been developing map skills and learning about Rio de Janiero and Year 5 have some great volcanoes produced as part of their homework and start swimming this week. Year 6 are preparing for their up-and-coming residential visit to Wales at the start of October. Finally, our Reception classes are all prepared for their start to full-time next week and Nursery have been enjoying their new outdoor space in the beautiful weather we have been enjoying.
At the beginning of term all children have been learning about the importance of e-safety as part of computing and PSHCE. Please find a link to useful guides for parents here:
Our welly swap shop will be open next week. If you have a welly token, please pop into the main reception to choose from the wellies that are on the window sills. Just hand in your welly token and take a pair that will fit your child. The welly swap is open between 8am and 5pm. Please label the wellies that you choose with your child’s name before bringing them back into school.
Given that the main reception is an enclosed space, we would like everyone to wear a face covering whilst choosing wellies (unless exempt). To avoid overcrowding, a maximum of two families will be able to access the space at the same time.
It isn’t too late to join the welly swap. Just bring wellies that no longer fit to the main reception and swap them for a larger pair.
Reception, year 1 and year 2 drop off arrangements
We are looking forward to our reception children attending school on a full-time basis next week. This will mean that drop off and pick up times will be busier at the main entrance. Rather than welcoming/dismissing 30 reception children at 8.30am/3.00pm, we will be welcoming/dismissing 60 children.
In order to minimise congestion, we ask that all year 1 and year 2 families arrive on time and not early. Year 1 children need to arrive at 8.35am, year 2 children will be welcomed in at 8.40am. If you are arrive early, we would appreciate you waiting off site until your designated time.
Families that have children in different year groups should continue to drop off at the earliest start time.
From Monday, please use the following routes when dropping off/collecting your child.
The App is an exciting two-way communication tool and provides easy access to important information.
With just a couple of taps you can find out what's for lunch, report and absence, submit a medicine form, access Parent Pay, visit our website, update personal information, receive notifications about your child and read our weekly Dunalley Update.
Another exceptionally beneficial element of the App is that it can translate messages and our weekly update into any language supported by Google Translate.
If you haven't yet downloaded our App, please click the following link for more details:
The App is linked to the email address you have registered with school - please click the link above if you wish to add or update an email address. Each parent requires an individual email address.
Kind Regards
Sara Byrne
Business Manager