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Coffee & Cake and Cheese & Wine - Thank you
We are delighted that both the afternoon and evening gatherings were very well attended and that families have requested follow up events.
Please email [email protected] if you would like to suggest themes for our next community event. Some of the families who were able to join us yesterday expressed an interest in getting together to discuss the national smartphone free agenda.
Yesterday we were informed that some of our children are accessing Roblox. If you are allowing your children to do so, please read the following poster carefully.
We will be on Week 2 of our lunchtime menu next week and our 3 weekly cycle will continue until January.
Our menus are posted on our website, you'll find the week 2 overview below. Please note that we still need to keep pasta off the menu as we continue to await further guidance.
Please ensure you only have funds in your lunch account to take you up to 19th December - the end of term.
From January we will be using a different catering provider. Any money left in your account in the new year would need to be reclaimed by you via AiP. The School will not be able to help you with refunds.
Children are invited to wear something spotty on Friday 15th November as we take part in Children in Need.
All donations will go to the Children in Need Charity.
Earlies & Lates Spring Term 2025
Our spring term Earlies and Lates booking system will go live from 7pm on Wednesday 13th November.
Please click the following link at 7pm (refresh, until it shows as live) and book the places you require for the new year (6th January to 11th April 2025).
Our after school Lates provision is usually oversubscribed so it is advisable that you complete this form as soon as it goes live.
Bookings will be on a first come first serve basis as places are limited.
Gloucestershire County Council have updated the information on their website relating to Free School Meals. If you think that it is possible that your child(ren) might be eligible for them, please follow the link below.
Why should I apply?
It's well worth applying for free school meals. Schools are allocated extra funding for every child who is eligible. This enables us to enhance our provision and improve progress and outcomes for children.
Please apply even if you do not wish to take up your offer of a free school meal.
Whilst all children are entitled to a free school meal from Reception to year 2, it is important to apply for Free School Meals at this point so that your child benefits from the extra funding in school and also continues to receive free school meals after year 2.
What are the qualifying criteria for Free School Meals?
Your child might be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following:
- Income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit - your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)
Winter Coats - Does your child need one?
We are so very pleased to have been donated a few brand new winter coats in various sizes. Thank you to the PTFA for organising this initiative.
If you are struggling to provide your child with a warm coat for the winter, please contact Sam Ashton for details. Sam is often on the door each morning or can be reached via [email protected].
We are delighted to welcome new members of staff to our Dunalley community.
We are pleased to let you know that Kitty Regan and Thomas Bonehill have joined our teaching teams.
Miss Regan will also support our 'Earlies' provision.
It's lovely to have them on the team.
Patients can now get treatment for seven common conditions directly from their local pharmacy, without the need for a GP appointment or prescription.
The Pharmacy First scheme was launched by the government and NHS England on 31 January 2024 to give patients quick and accessible care and ease pressure on GP services.
But what does it cover and who will benefit? Here's everything you need to know.
What is Pharmacy First?
Pharmacy First will enable community pharmacists to supply prescription-only medicines, including antibiotics and antivirals where clinically appropriate, to treat seven common health conditions without the need to visit a GP.
What are the seven common conditions?
- Sinusitis
- Sore throat
- Earache
- Infected insect bite
- Impetigo (a bacterial skin infection)
- Shingles
- Uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women.
How can I access treatment from my pharmacy?
You can get treatment for these conditions by walking into the pharmacy or contacting them virtually. GP receptionists, NHS 111 and providers of emergency care will also be able to direct patients to pharmacies, that offer the service, if contacted.
What will happen when I arrive at the pharmacy?
The pharmacist will be able to speak to you privately in a separate consultation room. They may perform an examination or ask to access your medical records. The pharmacist will be able to recommend the best course of action on an individual patient basis, including by issuing prescriptions for antibiotics or antivirals where necessary.
How do I know if my local pharmacy is offering the service?
More than 10,000 pharmacies have already signed up to Pharmacy First – that’s over 95 per cent of all those in England.
Will I have to pay for my medication?
Usual prescription charges will apply for the seven common conditions. Patients that were already exempt from prescription charges will still be exempt.
12 Nov 2024
12 Nov 2024
12 Nov 2024
13 Nov 2024 - 14 Nov 2024
13 Nov 2024 - 14 Nov 2024
Flu Season 2024/2025
Dear Parent/Guardian
(From Reception up to and including Year 11)
Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th November 2024
This year it has been confirmed that the National Flu Vaccination Programme for 2024/2025 is being offered to all school aged children from Reception up to and including Year 11.
Your child’s annual flu vaccination is now due. It is important that you consent or decline the flu vaccination as soon as possible. If you do not respond, we will contact you again to make sure that you have received the offer of vaccination.
Giving consent Please complete the consent form online (one for each child, please) using the following link ensure you use the Unique School Code below:
Flu Vaccination Consent Form (
Dunalley Primary School Unique Code: GC115582
This link will close at midday on the working day before the team is due to visit so please complete this as soon as possible as the team will be unable to take any consents after this point. If you are unable to access the online consent form for any reason, please contact Gloucestershire Immunisation Team on 0300 421 8140 or email: [email protected]
If you have completed the form you will have received a confirmation email from [email protected]
13 Nov 2024 - 14 Nov 2024