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Thursday 11th November 2021
Dear Families,
I am writing to let you know that a number of children and staff in nursery and school have had diarrhoea and vomiting over the last few days.
I have been advised by UKHSE (formally known as Public Health England) that this is generally a self-limiting illness probably caused by a virus, but that it is very infectious. The most usual symptom is vomiting. Some people may have diarrhoea and/or abdominal pain. Symptoms rarely last for more than 24 – 48 hours. The incubation period (time it takes for the illness to develop) is between 12 and 48 hours.
If your child is affected, please keep them off school/nursery. They should not return until 48 hours after the diarrhoea and vomiting have stopped.
The south west health protection team have also suggested that for children with diarrhoea, it would also be useful for you to send a stool sample through your GP, to assist in identifying a cause.
The virus is easily spread from person to person. Good hygiene by everyone in the family reduces the risk. This means washing hands with soap and warm water after going to the toilet and before preparing or eating food as a minimum. Please be aware that alcohol hand rubs are not effective against norovirus.
It is important to clean up carefully when someone has been sick as vomit is very infectious. It is important to clear up spills of vomit or faeces immediately, by thorough washing of the contaminated environment with detergent and hot water. For hard surfaces, (floor, work tops etc. an additional disinfection with a dilute solution of Milton or household bleach (according to manufacturer’s instructions) will reduce the contamination. DO NOT MIX these substances with soap and water. Be sure that each family member uses separate towels and flannels which are changed and washed frequently.
Staying off school/nursery until fully recovered, 48 hours after the diarrhoea and vomiting have stopped and hand washing are the most important elements of reducing the risk of infection.
We are ensuring the school/nursery is thoroughly cleaned to reduce any further risk.
If you need any further advice you can phone Public Health England Tel: 0300 303 8162 or NHS 111. For more information on symptoms and management of viral gastro-enteritis please see
Yours truly,
Alison Godfrey