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To celebrate the staff indulged in a delicious breakfast together - sausage and bacon rolls, fruit juice and coffee. Many thanks to Mrs Byrne for being the chef.
Thanks to all of those children who participated in our school World Book Day competitions, prize winners will be announced next week.
Pippin's Birthday Celebrations
We celebrated Pippin’s 3rd birthday in the sunshine on Saturday, there were so many families having fun it was lovely to see. The children (and some adults) fully engaged with Thomas Trilby, our circus entertainer and the ice creams were a big hit too.
Thank you to everyone who came along, we hope to do another family event in the summer term.
Pippin was delighted by the amount of gifts he receievd and absolutey loved the home made cards.
Thank you all so much for your generosity.
We are so excited as at school today as we started to lessen our restrictions at lunch times. During assembly this morning Mrs Godfrey and Mrs Byrne presented the new OPAL lunchtime arrangements with the children.
We are now using two larger zones rather than more smaller ones, this enables children to mix a little more with other year groups, we hope that by the summer we can offer children the full OPAL experience and open the grounds to our children to explore freely. It was a shame the sun didn't shine today, but the children enjoyed mixing with children from other year groups nonetheless.
Thank you so much to the families who have donated items for OPAL play so far.
The difference these make to our lunch times is amazing.
Thank you for the donation of some seeds, we would still love to have some bedding plants and sensory herb plants if at all possible. We would also love den making items,
If you are able to donate please drop them into the School Office.
Our School Council met this week, they begin their meetings talking about the need to listen and the importance to hear pupils voice.
Their agenda for the meeting was School Lunches.
What do you like about hot school dinners?
*We like the 3 different colour options
*always a vegetarian option and bread is given out
*food is easy to eat
*desserts are popular
*privilege to have packed lunch
*popular food choices for children
*meals are generally hot
*choice of desserts
*time to eat the food
What could be changed about the hot school dinners?
*Y6 would like bigger portions as they feel they have the same amount as the younger children
*the dessert plastic containers should be recycled or other dishes used so they can be washed up – better for the environment
*the children would like to have more sauces on offer – ketchup, mayo etc
*could there be a sandwich option in the summer?
*could the salad bar come back please?
*themed food – e.g Mexican week, Indian week?
*some children find the lunch hall noisy at times and would prefer to eat outside sometimes
*can the packed lunch children eat outside?
*more toppings for jacket potatoes?
*range of types of fish – e.g one week could they have cod and then the next time they have fish could they have salmon/mackerel etc
*hot dogs
*vegetarians would like to be given the same number of sausages as the meat eaters
*variety of burgers – beef, chicken, cheese
*the children like it when the tables are decorated at Christmas – could they have tablecloths to make it look nicer at lunchtime?
*would like Tacos
Mrs Byrne was really interested to hear what the School Council had to say.
Some things mentioned have already been actioned; such as additional sauces and larger portions for older chiildren, once the weather improves children will be able to eat outside. Mrs Byrne will certainly discuss the children's views with the contract catering company and the Midday Team. Feedback will be provided to the School Council at their next meeting and families will be kept informed about lunches going forward.
The agenda for their next meeting – Fund raising event in summer term.