Dear Families,
Lates update
We are pleased to let you know that Lates is thriving. The childcare facility is working at full capacity and we now have a waiting list for spaces.
The Lates team continues to work tirelessly to ensure that children enjoy their time in school whilst benefitting from a range of activities and opportunities. Over the next few day,s we will be introducing a more structured timetable of activities for the children to engage with. Most of the time the children will be able to choose from a range of opportunities, sometimes year groups will enjoy the same activity together e.g. Commando Joes or multi-skills.
Please be assured that the team will continue to ask your children about the they would like to do, they will continue to do their best to facilitate this whenever possible. Our aim is to ensure that everyone is happy and safe.
Yours truly,
Alison Godfrey