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- Family Survey 2024: Feedback from Governors
- £500 Donation to Dunalley
- Parking at Drop off and Pick up
- Year 2 - Great Fire of London
- Year 2 - Tudor Houses
- Free Family Event - Cheltenham Children's Library
- PTFA - News & Updates
- Measuring the healthy growth of children Rec & Yr6
Family Survey 2024: Feedback from Governors
Family Survey 2024: Feedback
Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to our Family Survey at the end of the last school year. Your positive comments about Dunalley's great teachers and staff, as well as the benefits of OPAL, are hugely appreciated. We were delighted to have nearly 200 responses to the survey.
The graphs show the overall results. We have also summarised your comments, with related information and actions. While we have considered each comment, what is set out below is necessarily an overview.
Comments focused on the benefits of teacher feedback and information sessions, as well as teacher meetings. Comments also sought to ensure pupils who need it are supported, while other pupils are stretched and challenged.
Dunalley's goal is learning and achieving together. The school has:
- Curriculum letters at the start of each term, as well as general curriculum information.
- Twice yearly teacher meetings, either in-person and online.
- Open meetings with teachers at the start of the term, to explain curriculum, the school day and expectations, as well as the chance for you to look at your child's workbooks.
- Before school support for pupils who would benefit from it.
- A focus on getting pupils to deepen their learning, along with extracurricular challenges and competitions.
To support your child to achieve, we'd ask that you:
- Attend teacher meetings. If you attend in-person, arrive early to review your child's books and bring a few prepared questions if there are specific things you want to know.
- If you are able, attend open meetings with class teachers at the start of the term.
- Raise questions with teachers at home time, if you are able, or email [email protected] to arrange a telephone call with your child's teacher, where needed.
- Ensure your child has the best possible attendance, which is directly linked to achievement.
Some comments raised concerns about behaviour and how it is dealt with, especially where the behaviour of a very small number of pupils impacts the wider student body. We noted comments about gender and differences in behaviour and treatment.
Behaviour is important and Dunalley has:
- An increased focus on Commando Joe’s RESPECT behaviour traits this year (see our Positive Behaviour Policy).
- 8 copies of "The Anxious Generation" to share with families, alongside a series of informal events to discuss helping our children flourish.
- A policy of recognising genuinely exceptional behaviour. We do this in our Commendation Book and half-termly celebrations.
- Trained staff, a PHSE curriculum that embeds positive behaviour, a Safeguarding Policy – which includes our Child Protection Policy and Anti-Bullying Week.
We'd ask that you:
- Raise specific concerns quickly and directly with staff, either after school in-person or by emailing [email protected]
- Engage with "The Anxious Generation" and come and collaborate at our related discussions.
- Help your children to appreciate the intrinsic value of doing the right thing, modelling this behaviour for your child.
- Behave with respect and courtesy toward our teachers and staff.
Communication and engagement
There were significantly fewer comments on general communication compared with our 2022 survey. In 2024, comments focused on the benefits of feedback on pupil performance and wellbeing. We also noted a comment around how working parents can take part in school events.
Here is some of what we've done to improve communications and engagement:
- The School calendar is populated with dates canvassed from teachers early in the school year. We want parents to be able to plan and, where possible, to attend events, noting there are events on Saturdays and evenings from time to time.
- The weekly newsletters let parents know what's going on and what's coming up.
- The school app (Edulink One) lets us send messages efficiently.
Here's what we'd ask families keep in mind:
- Update any change of mobile number or email address (via Edulink One).
- Our teachers and staff have families too and are in school for their entire working day.
- We will soon be holding an election for a parent governor, so please consider putting yourself forward. The role provides deep insight into the huge amount of time, dedication and effort everyone at the school invests in your children, as well as allowing you to support the school.
- Finally, the school communicates with a truly diverse group of families. We have over 400 pupils, in two forms over seven year groups.
On Tuesday we had a visit from Wills Bros. Civil Engineering Ltd. They donated £500 to Dunalley. The money will go towards the purchase of new bicycle storage facilities for our main field.
Wills Bros. Civil Engineering Ltd were the company responsible for the new cycle path build - we are very grateful for their generous donation. We hope that the new bicycle storage facilities will encourage more families to cycle to school.
Parking at Drop off and Pick up
We are pleased that the recent developments to the roads outside school are designed to enable families to walk and cycle to and from school and nursery more safely. We ask that all families respect the new road markings and thank the parent who produced the poster that is now on display on our perimeter fence.
It is important that everyone who drives to school adheres to the road markings and the requirements of the Highway Code. Protecting the safety of our community is our utmost priority and local enforcement officers may chose to act in unsafe circumstances.
Please remember that there are ample, legitimate parking bays in the roads surrounding Central Cross Cafe and that the new pedestrian crossing is perfectly situated to aid the short walk to and from school.
Thank you to our volunteers who took part in today's event, you were all fabulous and the staff and children certainly appreciated your help.
Families were invited to join in and everyone worked hard to create houses in the style of those that would have been in London at the time of The Great Fire of London.
Thank you to all the family members who came and joined in the fun!
Free Family Event - Cheltenham Children's Library
Cheltenham Children's Library is holding a Harry Potter book day celebration on Thursday 17th November from 3pm to 4:30pm. You can drop in and enjoy various crafts and activities. Dressing up for the event is encouraged (but not mandatory).
13 Nov 2024 - 14 Nov 2024
13 Nov 2024 - 14 Nov 2024
Flu Season 2024/2025
Dear Parent/Guardian
(From Reception up to and including Year 11)
Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th November 2024
This year it has been confirmed that the National Flu Vaccination Programme for 2024/2025 is being offered to all school aged children from Reception up to and including Year 11.
Your child’s annual flu vaccination is now due. It is important that you consent or decline the flu vaccination as soon as possible. If you do not respond, we will contact you again to make sure that you have received the offer of vaccination.
Giving consent Please complete the consent form online (one for each child, please) using the following link ensure you use the Unique School Code below:
Flu Vaccination Consent Form (
Dunalley Primary School Unique Code: GC115582
This link will close at midday on the working day before the team is due to visit so please complete this as soon as possible as the team will be unable to take any consents after this point. If you are unable to access the online consent form for any reason, please contact Gloucestershire Immunisation Team on 0300 421 8140 or email: [email protected]
If you have completed the form you will have received a confirmation email from [email protected]
13 Nov 2024 - 14 Nov 2024
Measuring the healthy growth of children Rec & Yr6
05 Nov 2024 - 06 Nov 2024
05 Nov 2024 - 06 Nov 2024
Dear Parent or Carer, of children in Reception & Yr6 only
Screening vision and measuring the healthy growth of children
Each year in England, school children in Reception and Year 6 have their height and weight checked at school as part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). Height and weight measurements are used to better understand the healthy growth of your child. We collect this information because it is in the interest of public health to understand how many children are living with a healthy weight or are above or below a healthy weight.
Your Head Teacher has agreed that your child’s school will be participating in the NCMP, you can contact your school to find out when we will be visiting. If a high volume of children are absent on the date of our visit, we may need to make another unplanned visit so please complete the opt out form HERE if you do not wish for your child to be included in any NCMP measurements.
Please note, children will not be made to take part on the day if they do not want to.
Further information can be found at the links below. If you are happy, no action is required.
05 Nov 2024 - 06 Nov 2024