At Dunalley we place great importance on PSHE. Our curriculum is a planned programme of learning that promotes the development of pupils at school and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. Pupils acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives – now and in the future.
The Relationships and Health Education statutory guidance and EYFS framework provides the basis of our curriculum at Dunalley. The curriculum is carefully planned to ensure progression across the year groups from EYFS to Y6 alongside the opportunity to build on prior knowledge and skills. This is detailed in the progression map and planned units of work and is based on the Jigsaw scheme of learning and Gloucestershire Healthy Living materials.
As a school, we believe that our PHSE curriculum ensures:
All children at Dunalley are happy, caring individuals who can understand and manage their emotions and build positive relationships with others.
We equip children to become healthy and resilient individuals who can face challenges with the same strength as is needed to approach their goals and aspirations
Children are prepared for their lives now and in the future so they are emotionally literate, physically and mentally strong and can look to the future with confidence and positivity
Where appropriate, other subject areas may provide inspiration for PHSE work and in particular our Science (life cycles, human bodies) and Computing (online safety and relationships) curriculum include elements of PHSE teaching and learning along with connections between PE and PHSE and leading healthy lives.
For full details please visit the Jigsaw website.