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Welcome back to the start of the new term. It has been good to welcome all the children back into school as we start our new learning for this term. It has been especially good to see all of those children, families and staff who were unwell prior to the break, back and feeling much better. To those who are still unwell, we wish you all a good recovery and look forward to seeing you all soon.
Thank you to those parents who have supported the enhanced measures that we were asked to put in place by the Local Authority and South West UKHSA due to the increased rates of covid-19 in the county. We appreciate your support and understanding. Please continue to wear face-coverings unless exempt and to not congregate at drop-offs and pick-ups until further notice.
This week has seen the start of new areas of learning many of which were shared in our whole school zoom assembly this morning. Reception and Year 1 shared their art and history learning about Guy Fawkes and bonfire night. Year 4 shared maths and the Great Kapok Tree and Year 6 watercolour techniques and art work. Year 5 and 6 reminded the younger children about safety rules for bonfire night. Year 3 shared information about the Festival of Diwali and we wished all those celebrating this Festival – Happy Diwali.
A few exciting things to look forward to:
- Monday 15th November wear ‘odd’ socks to school day.
- Friday 19th November is ‘Children in Need’ day we are going to hold a ‘wear your pyjamas to school day’ if you wish to participate. All donations will be gratefully received if you wish to support this charity.
Online parent meetings – November 9th and 10th
Teachers are very much looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s progress at this term’s parent meetings. We hope as many of you as possible will be able to join from the comfort of your own home. If you are experiencing any problems with booking an appointment, please get in contact with Ms Jones in the school office who will be happy to try and sort out any technical issues in booking the appointment.
Please log onto to book a session with your child's teacher and again about 10 minutes before your meeting is about the start - when you will get a pop up screen telling you what to do.
If you are still struggling to book your session please click here for instructions.
Given that we are not yet able to welcome you into school during the school day, we would like to give your family the opportunity to come into school on a Saturday to have fun in our fabulous grounds and enjoy an outdoor cup of hot squash/tea/coffee. Together, we can celebrate the opening of our beach and our exciting new outdoor play and learning opportunities (OPAL). You will be able to explore our wonderful forest school area, visit our mud café and join your children in making sandcastles and dens and playing games. Who knows? If the weather permits, we might even be able to build snowmen together!
In order to adhere to the national covid-19 requirements that schools must continue to follow, we must make the event covid-secure. Rather than inviting everyone into school at the same time, we will need to invite different year groups or phases (and their siblings) depending on numbers, into the school grounds at different times of the day.
Before drafting a COVID risk assessment for this event and submitting it to the local authority for feedback, we would like to know whether you would like to join us for a Saturday stay and play. If we have enough interest, we will continue to plan for it to be held before Christmas. Please fill in the short survey by following the link BEFORE MONDAY and let us know if you’d like to come.
We will look forward to welcoming you back into the building in, hopefully, the not-too-distant future.
We are seeking to recruit a team of dynamic Play Partners who will support meaningful and productive child-initiated play during our lunchtimes to ensure that our children have the very best lunchtime opportunities possible. This is a fabulous opportunity to join our team here at Dunalley as we implement a new, whole school play initiative. Full details are available on our website – opportunities to work at Dunalley available here.
PC Allen Forrester from Cheltenham's School Beat team visited Year 6 this week to teach them about staying safe online. The children learnt about the risks posed on online games and social media sites, knowing what information should be kept private and about PEGI ratings on games. They also discussed the risks associated with sharing photos and videos of themselves and others online. During the session, the children were reminded about asking trusted adults for help and support. Please take a look at the E-Safety section on our website for more information or speak to your child's teacher if you have any questions or concerns.