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We are pleased to welcome you back to the new term. We hope that you were able to enjoy family time together during the break.
Children are settling in to their new learning for this term, details of which will be sent out to you next week. Our term has started with a PSHCE focus on dreams and goals.
Did you know that we have several of our mums and even a couple of grandparents working in our team here at school.
They value their roles here because of their family commitments. There is no need to worry about child care on inset days or during the holidays. Plus, they can be involved in the school where their children spend so much time, they all get the chance to see their little ones at some point too.
Not only that the pay is split over 12 months, so you get paid every month, even in August!
Perhaps you are thinking about getting back into the workplace but are unsure if this would be right for you. Why not have a chat to our current staff to see what it is really like. Mrs Byrne would be happy to answer any questions too.
Our vacancies could be the perfect opportunity for you.
Play Partners, support meaningful and productive child-initiated play during our lunchtimes to ensure that our children have the very best lunchtime opportunities possible.
Midday Supervisors rather be involved in serving the children their lunches, we have opportunities in this department too.
Look at our website or telephone Sara Byrne on 01242 512391 for an informal chat if you'd rather.
Just to remind you about the new area for parking junior bikes and scooters, it is very near the entrance.
A reminder - Footwear during muddy months
Thank you for making sure that your children have wellies in school for lunchtimes and forest school. The children continue to enjoy making the most of our fabulous grounds. Because wellies are not suitable for P.E. and Commando Joes lessons, your children need to wear trainers on the field when they have these sessions.
In order to ensure that your children do not need to wear wet, muddy shoes for the rest of the day, and minimise the amount of mud coming into the building, please provide your children with a pair of indoor shoes, trainers or pumps.
In order to reduce the financial implications that this may have for families, and help our environment, we will extend our welly swap initiative. Please send in pre-loved footwear that no longer fits your child(ren) and we will organise a ‘shoe swap’ for you. Trainers, school shoes and traditional black pumps and additional wellies would be much appreciated.
If you are setting up new devices, this guide may prove useful.
Parents guide how to set up new devices advice here.
Dropping off and picking up – please can we all be aware of safety
Once again, please can we ask you to park considerately outside school. This means not parking in front of neighbours’ driveways and blocking access, not parking on double yellow lines and not parking where you are causing an obstruction. Please remember that there are plenty of places to park for free in the park area from which Dunalley is a short stroll. We would really appreciate everybody making a huge effort to ensure that parking is safe and considerate for our neighbours and school community.
Please also be aware, that staff and visitors are also coming in and out of the main car park gates at these times too – please do not stand in the entrance way.
Please can we ask you not to bring your dogs on to our school site when dropping off and picking up your children because they have not been risk assessed.