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- Welcome
- Nursery & Pre-School - Their week
- Morning drop off - Supervision of children
- Nursery & Pre-school - News
- Opportunities here at school
- Nursery & Pre-school Open Morning for prospective families
- Atlas Holiday Camp - Summer Holiday Dates
- Footwear in School
- Dunalley 100 Club
- KS2 healthy snacks at playtime
Despite the cold weather of this week, we have continued to see some fantastic PE lessons outside as well as some Bollywood style dance inside with Year 2.
Commando Joe's had an exciting mission this week as they tried to evacuate casualties from a danger zone to safety, team work absolutley an essential.
We have seen lots of maths work this week with children demonstrating their fluency, reasoning and problem solving through our CanDoMaths approach of 'Do it' 'Secure it' and 'Deepen it'.
Nursery & Pre-School - Their week
Morning drop off - Supervision of children
Please can families surpervise their children at all times when waiting for their class start time and when lining up in the mornings.
Our staff often prepare outdoor lessons on our front field and we would apprecitae it if you did not allow your children to leave you to play with the resourses set up.
Did you know that we have several of our mums and even a couple of grandparents working in our team here at school.
They value their roles here because of their family commitments. There is no need to worry about child care on inset days or during the holidays. Plus, they can be involved in the school where their children spend so much time, they all get the chance to see their little ones at some point too.
Not only that the pay is split over 12 months, so you get paid every month, even in August!
Perhaps you are thinking about getting back into the workplace but are unsure if this would be right for you. Why not have a chat to our current staff to see what it is really like. Mrs Byrne would be happy to answer any questions too.
Our vacancies could be the perfect opportunity for you.
Play Partners, support meaningful and productive child-initiated play during our lunchtimes to ensure that our children have the very best lunchtime opportunities possible.
Midday Supervisors rather be involved in serving the children their lunches, we have opportunities in this department too.
Look at our website or telephone Sara Byrne on 01242 512391 for an informal chat if you'd rather.
Nursery & Pre-school Open Morning for prospective families
It was lovely to meet and chat with families who attended our open morning last Saturday.
Mrs Godfrey and Mrs Byrne were on hand to meet and greet and provide refreshments whilst Mrs Carpenter did the important job of explaining all about our nursery & pre-school provision.
Due to the volume of interest we will open again on the morning of Saturday 26th March for prospective families of children due to start nursery in September 2022.
If you have a child due to start nursery in September 2022 and would like to visit the setting please email [email protected].
Atlas Holiday Camp - Summer Holiday Dates
There are only 5 more weeks left in school until the summer holidays, luckily Atlas Holidays Camps have released their camp dates for the summer.
The Summer Holiday Camp will run here at school from Monday 25th July right through until Friday 2nd September.
The children have so much fun, it's great that they are in an environment that they are familiar with and with their friends.
A reminder - Footwear during muddy months
Thank you for making sure that your children have wellies in school for lunchtimes and forest school. The children continue to enjoy making the most of our fabulous grounds. Because wellies are not suitable for P.E. and Commando Joes lessons, your children need to wear trainers on the field when they have these sessions.
In order to ensure that your children do not need to wear wet, muddy shoes for the rest of the day, and minimise the amount of mud coming into the building, please provide your children with a pair of indoor shoes, trainers or pumps.
In order to reduce the financial implications that this may have for families, and help our environment, we will extend our welly swap initiative. Please send in pre-loved footwear that no longer fits your child(ren) and we will organise a ‘shoe swap’ for you. Trainers, school shoes and traditional black pumps and additional wellies would be much appreciated.
The Dunalley School 100 club is another great way to get involved - you pay £5 per month and have a chance of winning cash prizes, for more information and to sign up see the information below:
The monthly prizes are one x £60 and four x £10. Choose a number (the green shaded numbers are already taken) then please email your chosen number to [email protected] You will get confirmation that no one has chosen the same number or you will be asked to choose another number.
Once you get confirmation please set up your standing order & email: [email protected] again, confirming: - Your name / contact details / relationship with Dunalley / 100 Club ball number.
Details for Standing order:
Account name: Dunalley PTFA 100 Club. Sort Code: 401710 Account no. 42354721
Amount: £5 per ball.
Date of transfer: 14th of the month (or before) unfortunately any payments made after 14th will not be in time for that month's draw.
Unique reference: YOUR INITIAL & SURNAME the word DUN and your BALL NUMBER
Our Bank: HSBC, 2, The Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 1LR
Email: [email protected]
School Twitter:
PTFA Charity Number 1153823
KS2 healthy snacks at playtime
Reception and KS1 children receive free fruit at for breaktime and we like to encourage all children in KS2 – years 3-6 to follow the same healthy eating habits during their breaks too. Please encourage your child to bring any of the following for breaktimes:
- Cubes of cheese
- Fruit or veg
- Mini box or tub of plain dried fruit
- Savoury rice cakes or breadstick
If these can be palced in a re-usable, plastic box (named) then we can also do our bit for the planet. By not having items in wrappers or plastic bags we can minimise litter and prevent hazards for wildlife and Pippin our school dog who will try to eat wrappers and clingfilm if it is on the floor!