Parental Consent:
Families are required to give the following consents on Edulink One as part of the admission process, check each September and update as required. Please read the following so that you are clear about what you are giving consent to.
Ethnic Background and Language Spoken at Home
Any information you provide will be used solely to compile statistics on the school careers and experiences of pupils from different ethnic backgrounds, to help ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. These statistics will not allow individual pupils to be identified. From time to time the information will be passed on to the Local Education Authority and the Department for Education (DfE) to contribute to local and national statistics. The information will also be passed on to future schools, to save it having to be asked for again.
Family Home: Emergency / Pick Up Contacts
We take the safety of your child very seriously and to help support this we ask that all those with Parental Responsibility provide their full details and keep them up to date. We also require at least one (maximum of 3) additional name of someone that we can contact in an emergency if we are unable to reach parents. The additional people listed are also able to collect your child. If we do not recognise the person who is collecting your child (even if they are listed) we will ask for identification. We still ask that if you are not collecting your child you write a short note to child teacher or phone the office.
Please only list all people including yourself who are allowed to pick up your child.
School will only consider granting permission for children to walk home alone once they reach year 6.
Permission for local Educational Visits
From time to time we may wish to take your child on various local visits within the school day. These might be, for example, to the library, to Cheltenham College for sports, to the play park or simply for an educational walk.
We would be grateful if you would give your permission for us to do this without referring to you each time.
If a local visit of this nature is planned, details are added to the calendar on our website, your child's class teacher will ensure that there is adequate adult supervision and that all necessary risk assessments will be carried out. If you are able to help with such visits, do let your teacher know.
Naturally, you will be notified separately and asked for additional consent for any visits that take the children out of Cheltenham, if your child has been chosen to represent the school in a sports team or will be travelling in a teacher’s car.
Permission on Edulink One =
I give permission for my child to leave the school premises on-foot or by minibus/coach for local educational visits without my prior knowledge & hereby give my consent for my child to participate in such visits with the understanding that all necessary risk assessments have been carried out.I do NOT give permission for my child to participate in local educational visits away from the school premises.
Images Consent
At Dunalley we take photos and record images of our children on a regular basis. These photos are taken for a number of reasons which include: to support the function of the school, celebrate success, communicate with families, marketing and publicity. We are committed to treating this sensitive personal data appropriately and require your consent to be able to take photos/videos of your child in some circumstances.
No consent required: To fulfil our function as a school: We are able to take photos to capture and record progression and achievements of the children. These photos are deemed as a public task where another lawful basis applies and parental consent is not required. These photos are stored on external IT platforms with companies that meet GDPR guidelines and only shared with appropriate individuals. e.g. curriculum records (Nursery – Tapestry)
Consent Required: Use photos / video internally around school Within school we use photos to celebrate the work and achievements of the children. These photos may be seen by visitors but are not shared externally. Videos are also taken of activities and shared internally. e.g. in displays on walls and yearbooks. Dunalley University Graduation video.
Use photos / videos externally to help promote the school and communicate with our families we use some photos/videos of the children in our newsletter, on our website, in publications, our social media pages and occasionally share them with local media. Once these are shared in the public domain we do not have control of where they will be shared further and once on the internet can be seen by anyone. e.g. on school newsletter & website, school publicity including prospectus, school Facebook and Twitter pages and local media
Additional Consent Sort:
Social Media We seek additional consent for posting live to social media during performances like our Musical Celebration and Dunalley’s Got Talent to reach a wider audience. e.g. Facebook
Other: Personal Use We understand that families like to take photos of their children at school events like sports day and when performing on stage. Families are able to take photos / video of their child(ren) for personal use ONLY. These photos should not be shared externally or posted on any external online platform. This is particularly important if other children have been accidently captured in your photos.
Permission on Edulink One =
I am happy for photos of my child to be used internally and externally on the school website, in school publications and shared with local media. I understand the Personal Use guidance as outlined.
I am NOT happy for the school to take or use photos of my child in addition to those that support the function of the school as identified above. I understand the Personal Use guidance as outlined.
Pupil Use of the Internet
At Dunalley we use technology to support our children's learning. We have ipads and laptops for the children to use and access the internet. We also use a range of online software to enhance the children’s learning including TT Rockstars. Dunalley's internet provider filters sites into school to ensure only appropriate materials can be accessed. We also ask that families also set their own high standards when selecting, sharing and exploring information and media.
Permission on Edulink One =
I understand that my child will use electronic devices, the internet and a range of online software at school. I will discuss and expect my child to follow the Guidelines for Pupil’s Internet Use available via our school website.
School Dog Consent Form
Our School Dog ‘Pippin’ has lived with Mrs Godfrey and her family since he was 8 weeks old, he is a black Labrador. Pippin is very much a family dog. He has the right temperament to work with a wide range of children and adults within the school environment. Pippin is a very caring and well-behaved dog.
Pippin is a member of the Dog’s Trust which means he has public liability insurance. Pippin regularly visits the vet for check-ups. Whilst he is there they administer worm and flea treatments as well as make adjustments to his food intake to ensure he remains a healthy weight. Guidelines to interaction with the School Dog. Under no circumstances will children have close interaction with the school dog unless the school has permission from parents/carers. Once permission has been given no child shall be forced into interaction with the school dog if this makes them feel unhappy in anyway. At all times interaction with the school dog must be controlled and safe for adults, children and the school dog himself. If the following guidelines are not followed interaction with the school dog will be cancelled. At all times of interaction there must be an authorised adult who takes the leading role when interacting with the school dog. If children, or visiting adults, do not abide by the guidance given by the authorised adult the interaction will be cancelled. Please visit our website to view our full School Dog Policy and Risk Assessment.
Permission on Edulink One =
I DO give permission for my child to interact with the school dog
I do NOT give permission for my child to interact with the school dog
Data Protection
Data Protection Act 2018: Dunalley Primary School is registered under the Data Protection Act (DPA) for holding personal data and complies with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) (EU/2016/679) which forms part of the replacement for the DPA 1998.
The school will hold this information in order to fulfil our public duties and comply with the data requirements of the Department of Education and with safeguarding regulations. Refer to Dunalley Primary School Data Protection Policy for further information.
The school has a duty to protect this information and to keep it up to date. The data will be held electronically on the Schools Data Management system and in hard copy on your child’s file. This will be forwarded to your child’s next school when they no longer attend Dunalley Primary School.
This information will be treated as confidential to the School and to you except where such information has to be disclosed by law to relevant statutory bodies. Dunalley Primary School will share details relating to safeguarding, learning and academic performance with education support companies for the purpose of improving outcomes for your child.
We will collect additional personal data relating to learning, assessment and safeguarding through work within the school, this will include photographs and video images of pupils to support their learning for internal use within Dunalley Primary School. E.g. Learning Journeys, projects, books etc.
The data will be given to debt collection agencies where a debt remains unpaid on your child’s account. If you have any query or concern regarding the recording and use of this information, please contact the School Business Manager at [email protected] or our Data Protection Officer.
Permission on Edulink One =
I have read Dunalley's Data Protection Statement
I have NOT read Dunalley's Data Protection Statement
NOW LOG ONTO EDULINK ONE AND CLICK ‘UPDATE INFORMATION’ and then ‘LINKS & COMMUNICATION’ to find important information and dates with regards to school life at Dunalley Primary.