“Physical activity is vital in children’s all-round development, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy and active lives. Gross and fine motor experiences develop incrementally throughout early childhood, starting with sensory explorations and the development of a child’s strength, co-ordination and positional awareness through tummy time, crawling and play movement with both objects and adults. By creating games and providing opportunities for play both indoors and outdoors, adults can support children to develop their core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility. Gross motor skills provide the foundation for developing healthy bodies and social and emotional well-being. Fine motor control and precision helps with hand-eye co-ordination, which is later linked to early literacy. Repeated and varied opportunities to explore and play with small world activities, puzzles, arts and crafts and the practice of using small tools, with feedback and support from adults, allow children to develop proficiency, control and confidence.” EYFS Statutory Framework, 2021.
INTENT: We want children to become aware of their bodies and the changes that occur during physical activity. We want children to be able to confidently and independently access sports equipment within the environment. We want children to develop the pre-writing skills and strength ready for writing and confidence to use a range of tools. During the Reception year, we want to build on the work of families, nurseries and pre-schools to ensure all children develop healthy attitudes and the appropriate physical skills to succeed in their journey through school.
IMPLEMENTATION: Nursery & Pre-school children will have access to familiar equipment throughout the year, with adult support to start, to develop their core strength, their gross motor movements and strength and to start developing their fine motor movements. Certain programmes, such as Squiggle & Wriggle and Get Set 4 PE, follow a pattern for appropriate development. During the Reception year, children will have access to resources and opportunities that allow them to develop control over their movements. Indoors will lend itself to more fine motor activities/smaller movements and outside will lend itself to more gross motor activities/larger movements. Children’s gross motor skills will be further developed through PE guided from Get Set 4 PE. Specific children may be targeted for additional fine motor and gross motor support.
Adult led activities/Continuous Provision/linked stories (this will be added to as the year progresses)
Nursery and Pre-School
Reception *see EAD activities for links*
Autumn 1
- Yoga sessions and mindfulness breathing
- Squiggle & Wriggle sessions to build on pre-writing movements and build strength for writing
- Free flow play includes outside environment – access to a range of scooters, trikes with pedals, balance bikes. Sports equipment includes football/goals, low basketball hoops, hula hoops, various resources for throwing and catching, rocking balance beams. Adults will support and guide in developing knowledge/skill on using equipment
- Creative tools (scissors, dough cutters, rolling pins etc) available for independent use. Supported scissors if needed
- Get Set 4 P.E- adapted for use during free flow outside, through games etc (Intro to PE unit 1)
- Flipper Flappers
- Dough Disco
- Track running / Get set 4 PE Ball skills
- Cutting skills assessment
- Free flow play includes outside environment – access to a range of scooters, trikes with pedals, balance bikes. Sports equipment includes football/goals, low basketball hoops, hula hoops, various resources for throwing and catching, rocking balance beams. Adults will support and guide in developing knowledge/skill on using equipment
Autumn 2
- Yoga sessions and mindfulness breathing
- Squiggle & Wriggle sessions to build on pre-writing movements and build strength for writing
- Free flow play includes outside environment – access to a range of scooters, trikes with pedals, balance bikes. Sports equipment includes football/goals, low basketball hoops, hula hoops, various resources for throwing and catching, rocking balance beams. Adults will support and guide in developing knowledge/skill on using equipment
- Creative tools (scissors, dough cutters, rolling pins etc) available for independent use. Supported scissors if needed
- Get Set 4 P.E- adapted for use during free flow outside, through games etc (Fundamentals of PE unit 1)
- Get Set 4 P.E.- Fundamentals
- Track running
- Fine motor autumn tree- cotton bud
- Scissor skills activities- two hole and squeeze scissors
- Free flow play includes outside environment – access to a range of scooters, trikes with pedals, balance bikes. Sports equipment includes football/goals, low basketball hoops, hula hoops, various resources for throwing and catching, rocking balance beams. Adults will support and guide in developing knowledge/skill on using equipment
- Yoga sessions and mindfulness breathing
- Squiggle & Wriggle sessions to build on pre-writing movements and build strength for writing
- Free flow play includes outside environment - – access to a range of scooters, trikes with pedals, balance bikes. Sports equipment includes football/goals, low basketball hoops, hula hoops, various resources for throwing and catching, rocking balance beams. Adults will support and guide in developing knowledge/skill on using equipment
- Creative tools (scissors, dough cutters, rolling pins etc) available for independent use. Supported scissors if needed
- Get Set 4 P.E- adapted for use during free flow outside, through games etc (Gymastics unit 1)
- Get Set 4 P.E. Gymnastics unit 2- fairytales
- Track running
- Basket ball net, football net, balance toys
- iPad- PicCollage winter scenes
- Pressing buttons to program a BeeBot
- Playdough- practise for clay polar animal models
- Free flow play includes outside environment – access to a range of scooters, trikes with pedals, balance bikes. Sports equipment includes football/goals, low basketball hoops, hula hoops, various resources for throwing and catching, rocking balance beams. Adults will support and guide in developing knowledge/skill on using equipment
- Yoga sessions and mindfulness breathing
- Squiggle & Wriggle sessions to build on pre-writing movements and build strength for writing
- Free flow play includes outside environment - – access to a range of scooters, trikes with pedals, balance bikes. Sports equipment includes football/goals, low basketball hoops, hula hoops, various resources for throwing and catching, rocking balance beams. Adults will support and guide in developing knowledge/skill on using equipment
- Creative tools (scissors, dough cutters, rolling pins etc) available for independent use. Supported scissors if needed
- Get Set 4 P.E- adapted for use during free flow outside, through games etc (Dance unit 1)
- Get Set 4 P.E. Dance unit 2- links to EAD
- Track running
- Manipulating nets for pond dipping
- Free flow play includes outside environment – access to a range of scooters, trikes with pedals, balance bikes. Sports equipment includes football/goals, low basketball hoops, hula hoops, various resources for throwing and catching, rocking balance beams. Adults will support and guide in developing knowledge/skill on using equipment
Summer 1
- Yoga sessions and mindfulness breathing.
- Squiggle & Wriggle sessions to build on pre-writing movements and build strength for writing
- Free flow play includes outside environment – access to a range of scooters, trikes with pedals, balance bikes. Sports equipment includes football/goals, low basketball hoops, hula hoops, various resources for throwing and catching, rocking balance beams. Adults will support and guide in developing knowledge/skill on using equipment
- Creative tools (scissors, dough cutters, rolling pins etc) available for independent use. Supported scissors if needed.
- Get Set 4 P.E- adapted for use during free flow outside, through games etc (Games unit 1)
- Get set 4 PE: Games unit 2
- Track running
- Free flow play includes outside environment – access to a range of scooters, trikes with pedals, balance bikes. Sports equipment includes football/goals, low basketball hoops, hula hoops, various resources for throwing and catching, rocking balance beams. Adults will support and guide in developing knowledge/skill on using equipment
Summer 2
- Yoga sessions and mindfulness breathing
- Squiggle & Wriggle sessions to build on pre-writing movements and build strength for writing
- Free flow play includes outside environment – access to a range of scooters, trikes with pedals, balance bikes. Sports equipment includes football/goals, low basketball hoops, hula hoops, various resources for throwing and catching, rocking balance beams
- Creative tools (scissors, dough cutters, rolling pins etc) available for independent use. Supported scissors if needed.
- Get Set 4 P.E- adapted for use during free flow outside, through games etc (Ball skills unit 1)
- Get set 4 PE: Ball Skills unit 2
- Track running
- Sports Day races
- Free flow play includes outside environment – access to a range of scooters, trikes with pedals, balance bikes. Sports equipment includes football/goals, low basketball hoops, hula hoops, various resources for throwing and catching, rocking balance beams. Adults will support and guide in developing knowledge/skill on using equipment
IMPACT: Nursery & Pre-School children will be active and understand why physical activity is important to their well-being. They will enjoy being outside, creating games, taking risks and pushing their bodies to become stronger. We will monitor the impact to ensure children are ‘on track’ in the developmental age band 3 -4 years. YR Children will show control over their movements, including how they control tools for writing, aiming to the physical skills to thrive as they pass through their school life.