Physical Education

Our aim at Dunalley Primary School is to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport.  This ambition is nurtured through our provision for physical activity, in both the PE curriculum and wider opportunities around extra-curricular delivery and Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL).  We aspire to develop confidence and resilience in children, enabling them to strive for their personal best. On leaving primary school, these children will have the necessary skills to be successful in their future sporting challenges and active lifestyles, in secondary school and beyond.  We also recognise that being active and making healthy choices contributes to both physical and mental health.

Our planned programme of PE ensures that during their time at Dunalley, children experience the full breadth of physical education encounters. In EYFS, this begins with the development of fundamental movement skills and continues across Key Stage 1 where the children are introduced to gymnastics, dance and games.  At Key Stage 2, the children continue with gymnastics and dance.  Net and invasion games, and outdoor and adventurous activities are also introduced. We also include a wider range of sports activities such as golf, fitness and yoga, to encourage all to participate.  In Year 4, our children undertake an intensive course of swimming and water safety. This takes at the local leisure centre, a short walking distance from our school.  All children are taught to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. Children who do not achieve the National Curriculum requirement are invited to additional lessons arranged by the school. Our children also have weekly opportunities for further physical activity, using our ‘mile track’.

Our range of School Sports Clubs are open to all children. These clubs operate before and after school and are organised by school staff and specialist providers.

During the year, our children participate in a wide variety of sports festivals and competitions, as part of the Cheltenham and Tewkesbury School Sports Partnership. These include, cross country, football, tag rugby, hockey tennis, athletics,  as well as less traditional activities such as the dance festival, archery and mountain biking. Our athletics team – and in particular, our relay squads - have a reputation for performing exceptionally well in the Cheltenham & District Cotswold Shield Schools Competition. Furthermore, all children across EYFS, Key Stages 1 and 2 have the opportunity each year to participate in a festival or competition with other local schools.  

The National Curriculum provides an outline of core knowledge, skills and understanding around which teachers can develop exciting and stimulating units of work and lessons. Our staff have spent considerable time developing their long-term curriculum maps for their year groups to ensure that the full requirements of the National Curriculum are met.

These subject specific documents outline the content of the curriculum for each year group, across the academic year and provide an excellent insight into what each year group will be teaching.
To access our curriculum progression maps please click on the following links:


OPAL Stay & Play

27 Sep 2024

We would like to invite all of our families to join us for an OPAL Stay & Play on Saturday 5th October from 10am - 12pm.

Donations for OPAL

15 Sep 2024

If you are thinking of having a pre-Christmas sort out please keep OPAL in mind for the usual donations.

Dunalley Pantry

05 Sep 2024

We would like to remind our families about Dunalley Pantry.
Set up to help families who are struggling with the cost of living crisis.

Free Uniform

01 Sep 2024

We have lots of unclaimed uniform items here at school, should you need anything for your child(ren) please pop along and see us.

Back to School

08 Aug 2024

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September

Dunalley Pantry

31 Jul 2024

Our Dunalley Pantry will be open during the school holidays.
9am to 10.30am on Thursdays 1st, 8th & 29th August

Helping where we can.

Exceptional Learners

22 Jul 2024

Thank you to all of our children for their hard work and perseverance this year. Visitors to our school always comment on our focused learners.

Non-uniform Day

24 Jun 2024

We raised £300 from our non school uniform day on Friday.
£150 each for the Air Ambulance & The Cystic Fibrosis Trust

Dunalley Diddies

03 Jun 2024

Open to parents/carers of babies 0-1yrs old, on Wednesdays 1.45pm-3pm. For more info pop along and speak to Hannah Street in Nursery & Pre-school.

Nursery & Pre-school spaces available

13 May 2024

Dunalley Nursery & Pre-school have sessions available for September 2024.
Contact us now for further information.