This first half term we will be learning all about Antarctica and the Arctic, with a focus on penguins and their habitat. The children will be using The Blue Penguin, by Petr Horacek, as a key text to inspire their writing and self-directed play.
We will also be looking at celebrations and traditions including Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day before half term.
After half term, we will be reading the wonderful Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis. We will also be working on collages of the bog baby using a variety of materials.
Please do continue to encourage your child’s reading at home – reading their book on multiple occasions each week to increase fluency. We change books every Friday if your child’s yellow reading record has been signed and the book returned.
We will continue to read stories to the children every day, to develop a reading for pleasure culture – please continue to share story books at home as it is a fantastic way to develop vocabulary and understanding. We send home a library book every Friday for those who return them.
This term we will be looking at composition of numbers to 10 – with addition and subtraction facts as the key focus. This includes building rapid fluency in knowing number facts for each of the numbers 5-10.
Continuing to play board games at home is a fantastic way to build numeracy skills and jigsaws are a fantastic special awareness tool.
PE – physical
We have started the term with our Gymnastics unit of work – with balances, methods of travelling and core skills to be developed over the term. We will follow this with exploring dance and enjoying movement and music.
The children will continue to work on fine motor skills, particularly with handwriting development over the term (letter formation and size).
Understanding the World
Each week we continue to cover PSHE and RE topics including Dreams & Goals in PSHE and Celebrations from different religions in RE.
We will be looking at comparing contrasting environments through our work on Antarctica and animals which live in the North and South Pole. We will also be exploring the concept of freezing and melting.
Visits and visitors
We are really excited to be heading to Birdland for our first trip of the year – this will really help develop the children’s understanding of animals and their habitats (as well as dinosaurs – which is a Birdland bonus!)
We are also planning to visit the Cheltenham Library this year.
We will be asking for parents who would like to share their jobs in the Summer Term when we celebrate people who help us.
As ever, please do get in touch if you have any questions regarding your child’s learning so we can work together to ensure your child is thriving. We love seeing their learning and special moments from home on Tapestry, so please feel free to send these through.
Many thanks,
2025 Reception Team
RU- Miss Underwood, Mrs Hall, Mrs Forster (mornings) and Mrs Calder
RR- Miss Richards, Mrs Musto and Mrs Van der Velde
PPA teachers:
RU- Mrs Flood (PPA teacher Wed PM)
RR- Mrs Van der Velde (PPA teacher Wed PM) and Mrs Perrett (Teaching partner)