Dear Parent/Guardian,
Welcome back after the Easter break. We hoped that you had a wonderful time!
This newsletter gives an overview of the Year 3 curriculum plans for the Summer Term.
We will continue to use The Power of Reading modules for our Literacy planning. In the first half term, we will be reading The Green Ship by Quentin Blake and writing a letter, diary entry and instructions. In the second half term, our focus moves to an environmental story called The Promise by Nicola Davies where we will be writing an explanation text and creating poetry. Later in the second half term, we will focus our writing on a persuasive letter about Cheltenham using our geographical knowledge.
Guided Reading and Home Reading
Guided reading will continue to be taught each day using fiction and non-fiction texts. Please continue to read with your child at home. Afterwards ask some ‘how’ or ‘why’ questions to help with their understanding. Once your child is a fluent reader, begin to talk about why the writer has chosen particular words, sentences or text features and the effect these features have on the reader. There are some guidance notes in the back pages of the reading scheme books, which you may find helpful.
The topics for maths this summer term will be:
First half term |
Second half term |
Fractions – of amounts, subtraction and addition |
Measurement – Length, mass and capacity |
Time |
Geometry – properties of shape |
Statistics – pictograms and bar charts |
Each week we will revisit the number objectives to consolidate key maths skills. Please ensure your child practises their multiplication and division times table facts that are set on TTRS. The username and password can be found on the inside front cover of your child’s home reading record.
This term’s science unit will be Plants. In this unit, the children will be learning about the different functions of plants, what different plants need to grow and seed dispersal.
All other subject areas are taught discretely during the week. PE each week for 3A is on Wednesday and Friday. 3SR will have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday. In this first half term, the children will be learning about cricket and tennis. In the second half term, the children will be learning about rounders and practising their athletics skills.
Foundation Subjects
Throughout the term, the children will be learning about our local area of Cheltenham in Geography. Music, French, Art, computing and RE will be taught in the first half term and PSHE, DT and French, will be taught during the second half of the term.
In advance, thank you for supporting your child this term.
Mrs. Raybould, Mrs. Sarna and Mr. Adams