Dear Year 1 families,
A big welcome back and Happy New Year.
We hope you have all settled back into the new term. We continue looking forward to working together with you all so that we have another exciting and productive term.
This will continue to be the typical school day for your child.
RWI/Guided reading
Mastering of Number
Foundation subjects/PE
PE sessions are:
1HF – Monday and Thursday
1F -Tuesday and Wednesday
Maths targets
Spring 1
Spring 2
Your child will also have access to a programme called Numbots which will support your child’s maths. We will provide your child with login details.
Your child will have opportunities to bring home activities to support their learning.
Your child will bring home a knowledge organiser which will cover this half term’s learning in maths. This is also attached for your information.
Texts this term will include:
Beegu by Alexis Deacon
Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram
Please find attached the Year 1 high frequency (common exception/red) words. These are the words that the children should be able to read and spell by the end of Year 1. Your child will be assessed on these shortly.
We will inform you each week of any focus spellings that we would like you to support your child with.
Other curriculum subjects:
Spring 1
History – Space Travel – The Moon Landings
Geography – What does the Earth look like from space (continents and oceans – intro)
Science – Winter observation of trees plants - how have they changed / weather and how day length varies. AND animals in our school environment (continue into spring 2)
Art – Painting – Vincent Van Gogh
PE – Dance and Net/Wall Games
RE – Who is God to the Jews?
DT – freestanding structures – space rockets, stations
Computing – online safety
PSHE - Dreams and Goals
Music – In the Groove
Spring 2
Geography - plants and animals that live in the Savannah – hot and cold places in the World in relation to the Equator
Science – Spring observation of trees, plants how have they changed weather and how day length changes AND
Animals in our school environment
Art – Drawing – observational of plants / flowers – Van Gogh
PE - Target games and yoga
RE – Easter / Salvation - Was Jesus welcomed like a King or a celebrity by the crowds on Palm Sunday?
Computing – creating media – digital painting
Thank you as always for all the support that you give your children at home. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to speak to your class teacher. We are always here to support you and your child in every way we can.
From the Year 1 Team
Mrs Hadad, Mrs Flood, Mrs Fisher, Mrs Garrett, Mrs Perrett
Mrs Garrett (PPA teacher on Thursday pm)