Dear Year 1 families,
We hope you are all enjoying being back at school and are settling well into the new term. We are really excited about what we will be learning this term and look forward to working with you to have fun and make good progress.
This will be the typical school day for your child.
Maths/ Literacy
Literacy/ Foundation subjects
As before there will be lots of opportunities for children to initiate their own learning throughout the day through continuous play provision.
PE sessions are:
If you still have your child’s coloured PE t-shirt, they can wear them to school on these days.
Forest School:
Wednesday 1G
Thursday 1FH
Maths targets
This term we are continuing to explore maths and deepen our understanding through problem solving. We will be focussing on:
Maths Homework- NumBots
Hopefully the children have had the chance to try NumBots using the login details on the front of their reading record. NumBots is an online game and playing little and often (5 minutes a day) will help to improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. These are critical foundations in maths and this is a really fun way to learn them.
Link to the website login page :
This term we will be focussing on handwriting. By the end of year 1 children need to be able to begin to form lower case letters in the correct direction starting and finishing in the right place. We will also be ensuring that we use capital letters and full stops correctly to punctuate sentences ready to start using exclamation marks and question marks. All this helps us to be able to re-read what we have written to check that it makes sense.
Spelling homework
It has been great to see the children working hard at their tricky words and beginning to use them in their writing. This term we will continue to focus on Year 1 common exception words. Your child’s spellings for the term have been set on Teams. Please work through the spellings with your child week on week. We will not be testing the children as we will see their progress in the writing they produce in lessons.
Other curriculum subjects:
We will also be covering the following in this term’s topic- Space.
Thank you for all of the support that you give your children at home. If you have any questions, you can catch us before or after school.
Mrs Hadad, Mrs Fox and Mrs Flood