Dear Year 2 families,
We hope you have all settled back into the new term. We are really looking forward to working together with you all so that we have another exciting and productive term.
This will continue to be the typical school day for your child.
Paired Reading
Foundation subjects/PE
PE sessions are:
Please could your child wear appropriate PE kit on these days.
Maths targets
Throughout the Spring term we will be focusing on:
Multiplication and Division
Geometry – Position and Direction’
Times tables – 2x, 5x and 10x
Measurement – Length and Mass
Fractions – Find 1/3 and find quarters
Measurement – Time – Quarter past, quarter to, 5 minutes past, 5 minutes to the hour on an analogue clock
Measurement – Money – Find totals using different coins and calculate change from 50p and £1
Remember that your child has access to Numbots and TTRockstars which will support your child’s maths. If you have forgotten the log in please let us know.
We will inform you each Friday of any homework activities set on Teams. The home work will always include a maths activity to support what they are doing in class and sometimes it will include a literacy based activity to support their learning.
Remember that your child has access to Numbots and TTRockstars which will support your child’s maths If you have forgotten the log in please let us know.
This half term’s Power of Reading text is the story Pattan’s Pumpkin. Literacy activities will be planned around this text.
Please find attached the Year 1 and 2 high frequency (common exception/red) words. These are the words that the children should be able to read and spell by the end of Year 2.
We will inform you each week of any focus spellings that we would like you to support your child with.
Other curriculum subjects:
Our main topic for this half term is India.
We will be covering the following in this term’s topic- India.
PSHE – Dreams and Goals
Geography –India ( see attached knowledge organiser)
As Geography is the main focus for this half term so we have attached a knowledge organiser to help support your child’s learning.
Computing – use google earth to locate Asia, India, Mumbai, UK and London
DT/Art – sculpture diva lamps using clay
Digital media – Mendhi patterns
RE –Indian Festivals ,Holi, Who is a Muslim and how do they live?
Music- Charanga
Thank you as always for all the support that you give your children at home. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hestitate to speak to your class teacher. We are here to support you and your child in every way we can.
From The Year 2 Team
Mrs Fisher, Mr Oliver, Mrs White and Mrs Mason