Dear Year 2 families,
We hope you have all settled back into the new term. We are really looking forward to working together with you all so that we have another exciting and productive term.
This will continue to be the typical school day for your child.
RWI/ Guided Reading
Maths – Intelligent Practice
Maths on Track (MOT) & Mastering Number
Foundation subjects/PE
Throughout the summer term we will be covering units on money, statistics, capacity and temperature. We will also be revisiting previous units in Summer 2. Remember that your child has access to Numbots and TTRockstars which will support your child’s maths. If you have forgotten the log in please let us know.
We will send out homework every Friday. The home work will always include: a maths activity to support what they are doing in class. Sometimes it will include a English based activity to support their learning. Please look out for any additional homework related to other subjects. Please hand in the homework by the following Friday.
Please read daily with your child and record in yellow reading records. This could be just a tick but it helps us to monitor which books have been read. School reading books will be changed on a Friday providing the previous books have been returned!
Reading should be enjoyable (not too tricky!) Reading should include a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books. If your child is no longer on RWI they will start a reading scheme which will support them with their transition into Year 3.
This term we will be learning to write a variety of fiction and non-fiction text types. For example, letters, character and setting descriptions, a recount of our visit and a diary entry.
Please continue to practice the Year 1 and 2 high frequency (common exception/red) words. These are the words that the children should be able to read and spell by the end of Year 2. We cannot emphasise enough the importance of knowing how to read and write these spellings across ALL areas of your child’s writing.
PE and Commando Joe sessions are:
Commando Joe -Thursday
PE (Yoga) – 2W Monday, 2O Tuesday
Please could your child wear appropriate PE kit on these days.
Other curriculum subjects:
We will be covering the following in this term:
Summer 1
Geography – climate change
Science – Plants: Find out and describe what plants need to grow.
Art – textiles and weaving
PE – Yoga and Commando Joes
Music – Charanga – Friendship song
RE – Does completing Hajj make a person a better Muslim / Does going to a mosque give Muslims a sense of belonging?
Summer 2
History- Nurses (Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole)
Science – Animals including humans.
DT – making a savoury dish – a salad from things grown in school garden.
PE – Athletics
Computing – Data and information, pictograms and E safety day.
Thank you as always for all the support that you give your children at home. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to speak to your class teacher. We are here to support you and your child in every way we can.
From The Year 2 Team
Mr Oliver, Miss Woollatt, Mrs Krori, Miss Stacey, Mrs Cooke, Mrs Musto and Mrs Cornish.