All About Me and Food Glorious Food
Dear Parent/Guardian,
This newsletter gives an overview of the Year 3 curriculum plans for the Autumn Term.
We will continue to use The Power of Reading modules for our Literacy planning. We will be reading a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. In the first half term, we will be reading The Diary of a Killer Cat (Anne Fine) and Wolves (Emily Gravett). In the second half term, our focus moves to a modern twist on a traditional tale called ‘Jack and the Baked Beanstalk’. For poetry, we will be exploring list poems, which embrace a food theme. Please avoid buying the focus texts to read at home as this will impact your child’s learning when making predictions etc.
Guided Reading and Home Reading
Guided reading continues to be taught each day using fiction and non-fiction texts. Please continue to read with your child at home. Afterwards, ask some ‘how’ or ‘why’ questions to help with their understanding. Once your child is a fluent reader, begin to talk about why the writer has chosen particular words, sentences or text features and the effect these features have on the reader. There are some guidance notes in the back pages of the new reading scheme books, which you may find helpful.
Spelling will be taught during our English lessons. A short spelling list will be sent out each Friday. It is important to practise these spellings at home, as they will be directed to your children’s needs and supports their English learning in class.
This first half term’s work is all about Place Value and Geometry. The second half term’s work will cover Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division. Each week we will revisit the number objectives to consolidate key maths skills. Please ensure your child practises their multiplication and division facts for x2, x5, x10(revised from Year 2) x3 and x4 using TTRockstars. The username and password can be found on the inside front cover of your child’s home reading record.
This term’s science unit will be Animals, including humans. In this unit, the children will be learning about food groups, their bodies and how to keep healthy.
Foundation subjects including PE
All other subject areas are taught discretely during the week apart from Design Technology, which is taught in a block. PE each week for 3SR and 3A is on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
As the weather changes, please check that your child comes to school wearing suitable clothing, which should include trainers and a tracksuit or sweatshirt and joggers. On rainy days, please can they wear waterproof clothing and wellies, as they will be encouraged to remain outside during playtimes.
In advance, thank you for supporting your child this term.
Mr. Adams, Mr Oliver , Mrs Garrett, Mrs Musto and Ms John