Dear Parent/Guardian,
This newsletter gives an overview of the Year 3 curriculum plans for the Spring Term.
We will continue to use The Power of Reading modules for our English planning. In the first half term, we will be reading Moon Man by Tomi Ungerer and writing a diary entry and a descriptive ending to the story. In the second half term, our focus moves to a magical story, Leon and the Place Between. The children will write character descriptions and a narrative based on the shared text.
For our non-fiction writing, we will focus on writing a non-chronological report on Romans. We will also write a diary entry for a Roman soldier.
Guided Reading and Home Reading
Guided reading continues to be taught each day using fiction and non-fiction texts. Please continue to read with your child at home. Afterwards ask some ‘how’ or ‘why’ questions to help with their understanding. Once your child is a fluent reader, begin to talk about why the writer has chosen particular words, sentences or text features and the effect these features have on the reader. There are some guidance notes in the back pages of the reading scheme books, which you may find helpful.
Spelling will be taught during our English lessons. Weekly spelling homework will be published on Microsoft Teams each week. It is important to practise these spellings at home, as they form part of the statutory list of Year 3 spellings that children are expected to know.
This first half term’s work is all about Fractions. The second half term’s work will cover Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division. Each week we will revisit the number objectives to consolidate key maths skills. Please ensure your child practises their multiplication and division times table facts that are set on TTRS. The username and password can be found on the inside front cover of your child’s home reading record.
This term’s science unit will be Rocks. In this unit, the children will be learning about different types of rocks, comparing their properties and exploring how fossils are formed. The unit after half term will be Forces and Magnets.
Foundation subjects including PE
All other subject areas are taught discretely during the week. PE each week for 3A is on Friday and for a 3SR is on Wednesday. Commando Joes will be taught every Thursday for both 3A and 3SR.
In the first half of the term, the children will study The Roman Empire in history. Music and computing will be the other subjects covered up until the February half term. History will continue after the half term. French, art and RE will be taught during the second half of the term.
In advance, thank you for supporting your child this term.
Mrs. Raybould, Mrs. Sarna and Mr. Adams