Road to Rio
Year 4 Autumn Term 2023
Dear families,
Welcome back and welcome to Year 4. This newsletter gives an overview of our curriculum plans for the Autumn Term and some additional useful information.
Please send your children into school in uniform except on PE days. On PE days, please send children in wearing their PE kits.
This term, we will be using a range of texts to support our writing. The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan, the story of a mysterious ‘thing’ found at the beach one day, will be used to write a diary. The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry, an environmental fable which links with our learning on Rio, will be used to inspire our own environmental fables. We will also be using what we learn this term to write a persuasive travel brochure for Rio de Janeiro, which will include lots of research on a trip abroad!
Class Reading and Home Reading
Reading continues to be taught each day, using fiction and non-fiction texts. This term we are reading The Wreck of the Zanzibar by Michael Morpurgo, a historical novel set on the Isles of Scilly. On occasion, we will send your child home with their own copy of the book to read specified chapters ready for the next lesson’s learning.
Please continue to read with your child at home. Afterwards ask some ‘how’ or ‘why’ questions to help with their understanding. Once your child is a fluent reader, begin to talk about why the writer has chosen particular words, sentences or text features and the effect these features have on the reader. There are some guidance notes in the back pages of the reading scheme books which you may find helpful.
Please ensure your child’s reading record is filled in at least 4 times a week. If your child reads his/her school reading books quickly, they may also select other reading materials to add to their reading record book.
Homework will be sent out on Fridays. It will be collected in on Tuesdays at the start of the day.
Spellings and handwriting will be practised each day.
Spelling homework: Your child will have spellings to practise in their spelling books, including patterns taught in spelling lessons and challenging spellings from their work.
This first half term’s work is all about Place Value and Properties of Shape. The second half term’s work will cover Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Each week we will revisit the number objectives to consolidate key maths skills. Please ensure your child practises their multiplication and division times table facts using TTRockstars. Please ask if you need a reminder of your child’s login details.
This term’s science unit will be Sound. We will be investigating vibrations, finding patterns between sounds and the materials that produce them, and using data loggers to investigate how sound travels.
Foundation subjects including PE
PE each week for 4P is on Thursday and Friday and for 4W is on Monday and Friday. As the weather changes, they may also want a spare change of trainers/appropriate shoes in case their feet get wet.
In Music, we will be learning to sing Mamma Mia by ABBA.
Our Geography focus for this term is Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest. We will be learning about Brazilian culture and comparing life in a big city like Rio de Janeiro with life in the rainforest. We will also be creating artwork inspired by favelas and the Austrian artist Freidensreich Hundertwasser.
In advance, thank you for supporting your child this term.
Miss Parker and Mr Wilson
Weekly timetable:
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
4W PE lesson |
Year 3/4 assembly |
4P PE lesson |
KS2 assembly 4W/4P Swimming* |
*Swimming dates are not yet confirmed. Please send your child in with their PE kit until they have been finalised.