Dear Parents and Carers,
Happy New Year! It is wonderful to see your children back at school and we are excited about the learning that lies ahead of them this term.
We are very excited to be learning about the great explorer, Ernest Shackleton this term. We will be writing a biography about him as well as reading Ice Trap during our Writing and Reading lessons.
We will then go on to read ‘Ice Bear’ as well as continuing with ‘The One and Only Ivan’. Please try not to read ahead of where we ask the children to read to. (We might do prediction work about the next chapter, for example, and it will be a better learning experience if your child hasn’t read it already. (We know some have and some have seen the film – that’s fine, we can’t do anything about that!)
We’re also linking our Geography learning by writing an explanation of the Water Cycle.
Here are some of the other subjects and a brief description of what we will be learning in them.
In Geography, we’re learning about the Polar Regions and biomes, as well as thinking about the impact of climate change. We’ll also link this to our Art lessons, where we will be making biomes, among other things.
In Science, we are going to be investigating Solids, Liquids and Gases in the first part of term and ‘Living things in their environment’ in the second.
Swimming and hockey are our sports for the term, with a session a week to run around the track to build up our fitness.
In Music, we are learning to play the glockenspiel as a whole class, learning to compose simple tunes and improvise too.
In Computing we are learning how to log data and about how to stay safe online.
We will be making objects which move using pneumatics in DT which will be an interesting challenge!
PE and Swimming
Swimming starts on January 21st
PE |
Swimming |
4Wi |
Monday afternoon |
Friday afternoon (return normal home time) |
4Wo |
Tuesday afternoon |
Friday afternoon (return to school at approx. 3:30pm) |
Please send your child to school in their PE kit, and WITH their swimming kit (named in a bag) on Fridays. If you are unsure, please contact the office. Please could you ensure that your child can do up their own trousers / skirts / coats / shoe laces etc.
Home learning
We set home learning on Teams so that it is ‘handed out’ every Friday afternoon (usually Spelling and Maths). We will go through the learning with the class so that they know what they need to do.
Other information
These MUST go home and then come back to school EVERY DAY please.
If your child receives a book that they have already read, don’t worry! Please choose something at home to read that afternoon and pop a note in the record so that we try not to give your child the same book again! Thanks!
Please make sure that your child has Wellie Boots in school (best choice, particularly this term as it is so muddy on the field and playground), NAMED and in a plastic bag. It saves SO much time…! (Looking for an unnamed boot in amongst 59 others sounds so easy…!)
Please make sure that your child has their coat with them every day this term.
Thank you very much.
We hope your children enjoy sharing their learning experiences with you, it’s going to be a fun term.
With best wishes from
Mr Wilson and Miss Woollatt