Year 4 Summer Term
Anglo-Saxon and Viking Britain
This term we are reading Varjak Paw by SF Said which is often a
favourite of children at the school. We will also be reading Arthur
and the Golden Rope by Joe Todd-Stanton, a graphic novel based
on several Viking myths, and writing our own.
Important practice, ready for Year 5:
- using clear, legible handwriting
- spelling carefully, using taught sounds and patterns
- reading back through finished work to fix mistakes and to improve it
The children are expected to read at least five times per week and to bring their reading record daily.
This will help them to become fluent, confident readers.
To support this, please sign their reading record on a weekly basis. Your child will either be given a book in their reading record, or they will be able to choose their own from the class and school libraries.
We love to read and to recommend books; if your child is not sure what to read next, please encourage them to ask their teacher for a suggestion!
This term in Maths, we are learning about the following:
• Decimals and fractions
• Converting units of measure, including time
• Perimeter and area
• Coordinates and translations
• Statistics
This term, the children will be learning about the functions of different parts of the human digestive system and the roles of different teeth. We will also be constructing classification keys.
In History, we will be learning about who the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings were, why they invaded and
what life was like for those that settled. We will be looking at sources of evidence such as the Staffordshire Hoard and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, to understand how we know about the distant past.
In Computing, we will be using count-controlled (e.g. repeat five times) and infinite loops to repeat instructions in programmes that we code.
In RE, we will be working from the Discovery RE curriculum with the topics:
• Judaism: What is the best way for a Jew to show commitment to God?
• Christianity: Do people need to go to church to show they are Christians?
In Art, we will be looking at the work of Dame Barbara Hepworth and creating our own dragon eye sculptures.
In Music, we will be listening to gospel music and learning to play Lean on Me by Bill Withers.
French lessons will now be taking place every week for 30 minutes. We have started with the story of Boucle d’or et les trois ours. (Goldilocks and the Three Bears).
PE lessons will be on the following days:
4P: Tuesday and Thursday
4W: Monday and Wednesday
Please bring your children into school wearing their PE kits on these days.
This term, Year 4 children will complete the MTC. This will be very similar to the Times Tables Rockstars practice that your children are used to and will assess quick and accurate recall of times tables facts.
By the end of Year 4, children are expected to know their times tables facts up to 12x12 from memory.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of the Year 4 team, please come and see us at the end of the day or make an appointment through the office.
Miss Parker, Mr Wilson and the Year 4 team