Year 5 Autumn Curriculum 2024

Year 5 Autumn Term 

A Journey from North to South America  

Welcome to Year 5! It’s lovely to see everyone back in school, again. Here is an outline of what our teaching and learning should look like over the coming months:  

This term, we will be writing in a range of genres for different purposes.  To begin, we will be writing poetry linked to journeys and moving year groups, inspired by Werewolf Club Rules by Joseph Coelho.  We will then write stories based on How To Live Forever by Colin Thompson and non-fiction linked to our Geography topics. After half term, we will write a newspaper article linked to The Whale by Vita and Ethan Murrow and more non-fiction texts, this time related to our history topic on the Maya. 

Reading will be taught each week and will cover fiction, non-fiction and poetry.  Our first whole class novel will be The Firework Maker’s Daughter by Phillip Pullman. After half term, we will focus on Cinnamon by Neil Gaiman. To further promote research skills and comprehension, we will also be reading a variety of information texts linked to our topics on America and the Maya.   

Please continue to support your child’s reading by ensuring that they read at least 5 times per week, making notes of pages read and unfamiliar vocabulary in their reading record. Their yellow reading record should be brought into school, daily. This will be monitored in school.For children who continue to read from books on the school reading scheme, books will be changed when completed with adult support. However, if your child is a free reader, they will have access to the Year 5/6 library area where they will be encouraged to change their book independently when required.  

Spelling will be taught using No Nonsense Spelling.  There will be discrete spelling lessons several times throughout the week.  Spellings will be tested informally throughout the term with formal spelling tests at the end of units of work, mainly focusing on the Y5/6 statutory spelling list (attached).  Grammar will be taught in context within our writing lessons so that it is purposeful and relevant.  


Numeracy is taught daily. Key concepts this term will include:  

  • reading, ordering and comparing numbers up to at least 1,000,000  
  • counting with negative numbers and interpreting them in context, e.g. links with temperature 
  • rounding numbers to 1,000,000 to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000  
  • reading Roman numerals to 1000 (M) and recognising years written in Roman numerals.  
  • adding and subtracting numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers.  
  • adding and subtracting whole numbers (more than 4 digits), including using column methods  
  • using rounding to check answers to calculations  
  • interpreting information on line graphs and timetables.  
  • multiplying and dividing whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.  
  • identifying multiples and factors, square and cubed numbers and prime numbers.  
  • Identifying cubes, cuboids, prisms and pyramids from nets 
  • multiplication and division using formal methods 

This half term, the children will be learning about Earth and Space.  After the half-term break, we will be studying Properties and changes in materials.  These lessons will be taught once each week.  

Geography - As part of our journey from North to South America, the children will be learning geographical skills and concepts including longitude and latitude as well as learning about the geographical features of both continents, including volcanoes.  

History - After the half-term break, the children will be learning about the Maya civilisation of Central America.  

Art - Sculpture. We will be designing and building Mayan coil pots. 

French - We will be learning vocabulary associated with the family (La Famille) and with rooms in our homes (Chez Moi). 

Design Technology - With a link to our learning on the Maya, we will be focussing on the food of Mexico, designing, creating and tasting a variety of Mexican dishes.  

The children will undertake volcano research on the internet as well as having the opportunity to word process pieces of writing with a focus on presentation. We will be using physical selection and coding to create part of a fairground ride, creating movement and light, digitally. We will also be continuing to consider the importance of e-Safety.  


In RE, we will be working to consider and discuss the following questions; 

  • What is the best way for a Hindu to show their commitment to God? 
  • Is the Christmas story true? 

PE will take place on a Wednesday and Thursday afternoon (5R) and Tuesday and Wednesday (5W).  This term we will be learning fitness skills as well as playing netball. After half term, we will move to tag rugby and dance. Please could you ensure that your child wears the correct PE kit into school on their PE day, including tracksuit bottoms for when the weather gets cooler.  

To promote fast and accurate recall, it is important that children regularly practise their times tables and TTRockstars will enable them to do this at home.  It is also important that your child continues to read at home at least 5 times a week.  

Set homework practice linked to English, Maths or foundation subjects will be given out every THURSDAY and will be collected in on the following TUESDAY morning.  We understand that things can be forgotten from school bags, so late homework will be accepted on Wednesday morning.  There will be a homework catch-up session on Wednesday lunchtimes where children who have not handed in their homework will complete it. 

Fostering good habits around homework now will support your children with the increased expectations of homework when they move on to secondary school.  If they need support, they can speak to their teachers on Friday and Monday to ask for some guidance. 

Kind regards,  

Mrs Rigby and Mr Wilson


Positive Play Partners

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Winter Coats - Does your child need one?

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We have warm, winter coats for children of families struggling with the cost of living.
Please contact us for more details.

Dunalley Pantry

20 Nov 2024

We would like to remind our families about Dunalley Pantry.
Set up to help families who are struggling with the cost of living crisis.

Coffee, Cake, Cheese & Wine - Thank you

18 Nov 2024

Thank you for joining us to discuss the work of Jonathan Haidt and his book The Anxious Generation, more information can be found HERE.

Donations for OPAL

25 Oct 2024

If you are thinking of having a pre-Christmas sort out please keep OPAL in mind for the usual donations.

OPAL Stay & Play

27 Sep 2024

We would like to invite all of our families to join us for an OPAL Stay & Play on Saturday 5th October from 10am - 12pm.

Free Uniform

01 Sep 2024

We have lots of unclaimed uniform items here at school, should you need anything for your child(ren) please pop along and see us.

Back to School

08 Aug 2024

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September

Dunalley Pantry

31 Jul 2024

Our Dunalley Pantry will be open during the school holidays.
9am to 10.30am on Thursdays 1st, 8th & 29th August

Helping where we can.

Exceptional Learners

22 Jul 2024

Thank you to all of our children for their hard work and perseverance this year. Visitors to our school always comment on our focused learners.