The River Nile and the Ancient Egyptians
This term, we will begin both our Reading and Writing with our next class book, The Midnight Fox by Betsy Byars. We will be learning to put forward both sides of an argument when writing discussion texts and we will be developing our inference skills as we learn about Tom and his family at the farm.
Please continue to support your child’s reading by ensuring that they read at least 5 times per week and bring their reading record in daily. Please sign their reading record on a weekly basis. Thank you.
Spelling is continuing to be taught through ‘No Nonsense’ Spelling. There will be a discrete spelling session taught once or twice a week. Children will continue to ‘collect’ spellings from their own writing which they continue to misspell to form a personalised spelling list, as well as spelling patterns with rare grapheme/phoneme correspondence, e.g. bruise, yacht, words ending in ‘-ably’ and ‘-ibly’, homophones, ‘ei/ie’ words and proofreading practice.
Grammar objectives will be taught within our writing sessions.
Maths is taught daily. Key concepts this term will include:
This term, the children will be learning about Forces through investigation, testing and secondary sources. We will be focusing on gravity, air resistance, water resistance and friction. These lessons will be taught once every week.
Through our investigation into the River Nile and Ancient Egypt, the children will be making links across geography learning about the location of Egypt and why the Nile is of such importance. We will build on this knowledge in history, learning about the Ancient Egyptian civilisation, how they lived, what they believed and when they lived. The children will also spend time looking at the pharaoh Tutankhamun and will make shadufs with levers and pulleys in Design Technology.
During the spring term, we will also be teaching units of music based on ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel Air’ and printing and drawing within art.
The children will learn how to create short videos, exposing them to skills including capturing images, video editing and video manipulation.
We will also be continuing to consider the importance of E-Safety.
In RE, we will be working from our new ‘Discovery’ RE scheme of work, focussing on:
How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything? And How significant is it for Christians to believe God intended Jesus to die?
In French, we will be consolidating vocabulary based around the home in our unit Chez Moi and moving onto the weather, focusing on key vocabulary. We will also be creating our own weather reports on a specific region of France.
PE will take place on a Thursday and Friday in 5R, and Monday and Thursday in 5J. We will have one Commando Joe session on a Thursday, focusing on team-building, planning, resilience and communication to solve ‘missions’. Our second timetabled PE slot will be football skills. As BOTH of these sessions will take place on the field, please ensure your child brings in appropriate PE kit with layers and a spare change of outdoor shoes. They will get muddy!
To promote fast and accurate recall, it is important that children regularly practise their times tables and Times Tables Rockstars will enable them to do this at home. It is also important that your child continues to read at home at least 5 times a week. We will also set homework each Friday which will consist of a maths and literacy-based activity.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of the Year 5 team, please come and see us at the end of the day or email the school office.
Mrs Rigby and Mr Jones