Year 6 Autumn Curriculum 2024

Year 6 – Autumn Term

We have been delighted with the children’s efforts and enthusiasm during the first week of this new year as well as their sensible attitudes towards one another. They are already showing themselves to be excellent role models for the whole school.

The following is an overview of this term’s learning.  


The children will be developing their writing skills to produce pieces in a range of genres and styles. Initially, we will be producing writing based around our class novel, Holes by Louis Sachar. After practising narrative skills inspired by the situations and characters from Holes, focusing on the sophisticated use of dialogue and atmospheric settings, further writing opportunities this term will demonstrate the children’s understanding of rivers and flooding from their learning in geography. 

Reading will continue to be taught throughout the week and will cover fiction, non-fiction and poetry.  Please continue to support your child’s reading by ensuring that they read at least 5 times per week and providing at least one signature each week in their reading record. Reading records will be checked each week.

Spelling and grammar is taught in context within our English lessons plus discrete sessions for spelling. The children will have lists of spellings based on the strategies taught in class as well as words identified from the National Curriculum that they are required to learn to spell. 

Maths is taught daily. Key concepts this term will include:

  • ordering and comparing numbers up to 10,000,000
  • using negative numbers in context, and calculating intervals across zero
  • multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 giving answers up to three decimal places
  • identifying common factors, common multiples and prime numbers
  • multiplying decimals with up to two decimal places by a one-digit number
  • multiplying multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal
  • using written methods of long multiplication
  • solving problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • dividing numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit number and solving problems involving division
  • using coordinates in four quadrants and translating shapes
  • simplifying, comparing and ordering fractions
  • recalling and using equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages
  • finding missing angles within shapes
  • describing and classifying 2d and 3D shapes
  • understanding the order of operations and use of brackets in calculations 

As with any subject, developing the children’s confidence and enjoyment is absolutely essential. In order for the children to enjoy success, it will be important for all children to develop their quick recall of number bonds and times tables facts. If these have slowed down through a lack of practice or there are still tables that need to be memorised, these skills can be apidly improved with short spells of daily practice. TT Rock Stars remains useful for this purpose. All children have a login to access this. 

During this half term the children will be learning about electricity and developing their understanding of circuits. This will link with work in DT when the children will design and make a board game with an electrical circuit. After the half-term break, the children will be exploring the way light behaves, including light sources, reflections and shadows.

The children will be learning about the water cycle, features of a river along its course and the location of significant UK rivers.  After half term, we will study the human uses of rivers and the causes of flooding.

The children will be painting landscapes linked to our geography topic and developing a range of watercolour techniques. We will also be learning about David Hockney’s approaches to landscape painting. 

After half term, the children will be learning about computing systems and networks. We will also continue to consider the importance of online safety, supported by workshops delivered by the police. 

During this term, the children will learn about ‘au café' practising words and phrases relating to food and ordering at a café. 

In RE we will consider what is the best way for Muslims to show their commitment to God and then in the second half term we will be studying Christianity and considering the question, how significant is it that Mary was Jesus’ mother? Our work in PSHE will focus on being me in our world and celebrating differences.

After half term, the children will be learning about jazz and will have opportunity to improvise by using selected notes from a scale when performing to a musical accompaniment.

PE for the first half term will focus on invasion games starting this half term with basketball and football followed next term with tag rugby and a fitness unit of work.

PE days are currently Monday and Thursday for 6NJ and Tuesday and Friday for 6LJ 

A range of Maths and English activities will be set to reinforce the learning in class. Homework will normally be set on a Friday with an expectation that it will be ready for discussion in class on the following Wednesday. Children should be able to do this independently, but they should speak to their class teacher if they are struggling. 

If you do have any questions about the curriculum, please do come and speak to us at the end of the school day or contact us by email using [email protected].

Positive Play Partners

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Our PPP children are relishing supporting our OPAL play initiative, ensuring children have role models to help resolve issues and have happy...

Winter Coats - Does your child need one?

02 Dec 2024

We have warm, winter coats for children of families struggling with the cost of living.
Please contact us for more details.

Dunalley Pantry

20 Nov 2024

We would like to remind our families about Dunalley Pantry.
Set up to help families who are struggling with the cost of living crisis.

Coffee, Cake, Cheese & Wine - Thank you

18 Nov 2024

Thank you for joining us to discuss the work of Jonathan Haidt and his book The Anxious Generation, more information can be found HERE.

Donations for OPAL

25 Oct 2024

If you are thinking of having a pre-Christmas sort out please keep OPAL in mind for the usual donations.

OPAL Stay & Play

27 Sep 2024

We would like to invite all of our families to join us for an OPAL Stay & Play on Saturday 5th October from 10am - 12pm.

Free Uniform

01 Sep 2024

We have lots of unclaimed uniform items here at school, should you need anything for your child(ren) please pop along and see us.

Back to School

08 Aug 2024

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 4th September

Dunalley Pantry

31 Jul 2024

Our Dunalley Pantry will be open during the school holidays.
9am to 10.30am on Thursdays 1st, 8th & 29th August

Helping where we can.

Exceptional Learners

22 Jul 2024

Thank you to all of our children for their hard work and perseverance this year. Visitors to our school always comment on our focused learners.