Welcome back and a happy new year to everybody. We are looking forward to an exciting and challenging term ahead.
The children will continue to develop their writing skills to produce pieces in a range of genres and styles. This writing will be based around our class novel, Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian. We will be writing in role as characters from the book as well as writing narrative based on evacuation. Our attention will then turn to other genres of writing based on our history topic.
Guided reading will continue to cover fiction, non-fiction and poetry and will be supported by our novel, Goodnight Mister Tom. These sessions will prepare the children for the upcoming reading test. Please continue to support your child’s reading by ensuring that they read at least 5 times per week and they record this in their reading record.
Spelling and grammar is taught in context within our English lessons as well as discrete sessions for spelling and grammar in preparation for the grammar, punctuation and spelling test in SATs
Maths is taught daily. Key concepts this term will include:
The children are working incredibly hard in our lessons but many would still benefit from regularly practising their recall of times table facts. It would also be useful to practise telling the time (in both analogue and digital) as well as posing time problems as they arise in day-to-day life (such as, If the film is ninety-five minutes long and we start watching at 7:15, what time will it finish?).
During this term, the children will be learning about living things and their habitats. In this unit the children will be learning how living things, including micro-organisms, plants and animals, are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences.
When learning about World War Two, we will be focusing on the Battle of Britain as a turning point in history; the experiences of evacuees; and the Blitz and its impact on Cheltenham. We will also be visiting the Steam Museum in Swindon to experience their World War 2 themed events.
The children will explore the Pop Art movement and make their own collages inspired by the techniques and themes of artists such as Peter Blake and Eduardo Paolozzi. They will create a collage based on World War 2.
After half term the children will be learning all about spreadsheets. Children will be taught how to organise and format data to support calculations while also being introduced to formulas. We will continue our work on online safety and focus on managing online information, privacy and security.
During the spring term, the children will be answering the following key questions:
Key Question: Is anything ever eternal?
Key Question: Is Christianity still a strong religion 2000 years after Jesus was on Earth?
PE will take place on Wednesday and Fridays (6J) and Tuesdays and Fridays (6MV) in the first half of the term. During the first half term the focus will be on Commando Joe and netball. In the second half of the spring term, we will be learning and playing tennis and rounders.
The children will continue to learn about classroom objects and subjects taught in class and developing their verbal skills as well as reading and writing in French.
We are working on identifying dreams and goals for the future and how to take steps to achieve them. Next half term’s focus will be on relationships.
Homework will be set every Tuesday, this term. We expect it to be handed in on the following Tuesday. The children have two books - grammar, punctuation and spelling and maths. Spelling lists continue to be put into their yellow spelling book to be practised and learnt at home.
Many thanks for your continued support.